Show HOUSES FOOT 1 otilit to ISO II 11 ft a alan lelea 1 1111 cally lW orstell 4 when wo we 11 that 60 00 per ivor tout ct of ill all ailments and affecting the bo hon arlie from the limbs and fett the b subject must caver a large portion of tho the 1101 of tor sur pery pory still I 1 what branch of does I 1 ills when 80 per vt at of of tho the all I 1 and dis diritis romes artie arise from au an on balanced foot foci tile great need cf of today to the b diorio diw shoots of till tills great cou coultry itty not only individually but ai at a t I lly ay of won ill college to obtain a blither higher trained hlll skill in alio ct A raint ot at aud and enghu should lu in spiro tile lie lulad of every to nu oil immediate to arquiro acquire a higher standal 4 ot technical education thin wo we all nil know thel blacksmith or 0 today it 1 but a repetition of the lii sheer at c years ago mm aud null if it no steps ari taken the barr of now will lw be lot a anuil aquillio lio of tx ly 0 11 0 have only to look iulo oar cat awl what do we find no a result horsen wo taru turn oar our etes till tills ex ci ca effect the foot I 1 count a more damage 11 abill destroys dri CS wall nil all tile other of dis calle put of her tarr if 0 r im 1 lie tho link ct of that f ual rz ainz h to 11 MM an u L 1100 to fal foot the remedy mart bo be of rop roper methea of 1 lid leveling the foot alone with a prep proper er the evil 11 will thou be corrected tle omet of lio fie problem lias loss louff long proved prove itself for tile he ivor horre ou on en c bering the shop to to bo will immell abely place hip 41 cud cad aland bcd ocd with lis feet act iu in tho the ious painting po directly to the rat seat of ilia the tro ollo lo the poor dumb crent rits stands tharo iu III hope ehst when tile olives lice ale pud and replaced ho lie 1 ill be relieved of ilia hl coln but jat ou on tho the contrary cout mry what we find of the wag 11 lr tho the foot it Is s it jett in ili way ou until tile axis 1 of leverage leirer ngo aud and the center bearing have ivea o 0 altered cow I 1 irce tiou on one or of the ilia various loik bones comprising the various joints place resulting iu in of wine kind perhaps a spavin or a diug torn boull or iu in cases cows the foft soft 1110 calico pl lovs naj way tho leigg w louper stile to tend cali hardens the tins 11 tied of the boft structures tract arf king overt mac 1 lameness results rc rolt ard then beu the animal falli falls into tho hands of the veterinarian and Is too often cul J acted to fiting aid and repeated applies thoms of blistering for the wout of what dimply gioi r paring aud and bul aucius be the fluet I 1 uc morry orry to toay guy that BOICO mome I 1 suit ere ore oi am Igual out open this riot atlon ct of facts As the LOT gocr how now at ard aird it it for one tco tt think it o 0 for the lor eilicer to love an anatomical knowledge knowl edgo of all the structures tores the foot and null dimill without a perfect knowledge of the normal structures composing thaoe part parts liow low can it bo be expected cue Is to abe cormal by ie in it that we can coil scarcely find a wand foot oo 00 auy any boree aud and u perfectly balanced foot is as source ali 04 store at to ctet this evil I 1 ran can tut but the no cassity of a I 1 eigher eid 0 of adoca lion tiou cur the fotiou ie is Do feut the borno short pole luy ray horson foot too much to answer thin I 1 will may bow LOW cau can acy any ow olio pare a lio itoe feet ill in A manner aheu bou lie lio dec not know aher to commotion and where to stop be it henceforth by my readers that god iu in the barwa fool 1009 placed therein a mark wark as visible As the light of tho the fon ton which wa was to be the guide for poring all fret feet knowing all be le did it wan VAN utterly julto ilio sible for any cue to pare two fret feet alike witti ont roma guide realizing aud anti tea recognizing zing the can and faithful neu of that equine pro pie also elm tile hardships they would woula bo be forced to evler aud a a it can be readily 13 11 der stood that I 1 I 1 I 1 lie h feet I 1 ie a not pared equal acme part putt is called at all times to do lucre more work thil this being done at me expense a of some vital structure which colors the coniry cf of the leg jg aud and tuot iu in its it vacloas forms result eftig exchange |