Show how 11 w to a a tom to a fire welt well a of aeple and well known wine judgment if tile paper PAP if lint pat on the bottom of the grate the method employed by go cat out of I 1 ito ta and the llio pieces of wood rood too 1 urge be iron of the I 1 rate abstracts the beat so much that ft it will not have ott eurth to kindle the wood or it if it doci dots talo take cre fre the combustion ie in loo feeble to net met ara to the coal ratio that are ro heaped it the utter itter way is to have omo some piece pima at of choice inflammable coal aud and to lay jay a few pieces at t first on 00 the tb bottom ct of the bat bars but without rg them then entirely then lay ou on the paper cr or shavings lieu then the be wood and en on that cane acme pieces about the lice size ot eggs and no flue acal beu abo whole ii is kindled let it buin up before a sly coal if is added thecial abe coal laid at the bottom ottow to will talo take fire by the time that the wood ii is nearly burned cut aud slid will by its flame keep the fire alight if 41 fire AM I 1 14 thoi thus laid and mod kindled there in is no why it goold go oat out |