Show vetol state states life insurance In arnce company NV na W old tor for a long time ted with the united tife life Imn rance i company ia in leadville Lead villo ai district agent baa has recently li ben lien en promoted by that corn coin pany to the position of general agent tor for utah with in the dooley block silt le ar r od has lived 14 n lead tille villa for 23 years as police badge two year years aad ad four year years raider the 11 I arrison administration ance him al alcant vent in ut rutih jh be he bas his been very eucce ecial he be Is I 1 a gli boldness wa aad and cao can be relied apon lift coin cow pany write all he be of in to urance givlia paid op up and extended ims insurance urance cash and loan after the third yem yew and the policies have no restrictions after the first year jv we anticipate for or air old enec ors as hia his personality aad sad enterprise will guaran guarantee tue anc we would recommend and ur old and big hi oo 00 to oar our readers who with wish insurance tor for protection or InT investment estment |