Show mrs M rs kate K a t e etter E tte r OP 01 NtO 1 0 UttI 1 Is of heart disease dl by dr MAW nw flow ht healt cur owe katt RATE wrote rot from trusts M in march lut last two year years sea I 1 wu was severely troubled with my stomach nd kid hl day nors and a great flU cUon 1 unnerved 1 me ia ur that ay MY beturne the tb telegraph a la ilk A 1 bah result 4 la to ha ho benfit I 1 went rot to for or chance of with N banest w k brouet bacic bac lr durees aur worked with me a bod day to ka C me alive 11 to kach reach mi my trl tU here MY bear bream became so bad that ay MY t friends oili gar r op up all bop hope I 1 begam taking dr ulle tar oil car re acad d 1 alternately aal was u td to health il it Is I 1 dow mouths since lac and am a wil well dr nil are r sohl by idl all drui drug fuu cuts und unda A positive guar freau sawo refunds 41 alook oa la acad d narn arm eat sent fre tr to all DR 00 elkhart 11 ind ta wy 7 T 1 I Ms 4 6 EMERY CO T t vf mercantile abiff E lahr I 1 f CON 1 N Z 1 9 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