Show mile miles to it is not lick au all thing ia brancoto Fran franco coto to ere a farmer 40 cr CO from hanse iu in wet i eathor T with a heavy load lold it lie a prospect pros ct cf a three day rain lio putt hil tarpa ahn over ilia his load a corar over his bores bor es and a waterproof wa and start starts off to toni r acl ice he ile may tac 80 a before bd lit flod tk barket but that salts lini cr lie be nay inny know in adi buce JUAT just litre be he legal you do not often foo anybody driving 60 50 miles oRlia lu in be united state states to find a market for a laid cf cl bay bot but it li it not ct at all alm ilm ta to eco see farm cral eagono 40 or CO 50 miles aroln homo home ia in france they tle the wet we weather for that PUT poet their drosd it aro jat just ue as and then as at any timo time general eoy ray fotou |