Show jubilee juall anted joseph oseph J E erl orl ot of Dan kerville lincoln county nor 9 has a barnic lath which lie lis lather father brought to utah and with fill which some of the first chairs made in utah were made he Us also ha has a amin which was made in salt like lake in the a e ily 50 8 A subscription of 10 bae bad 1 the jubileo jubilee fund tuna from 11 II P lareey li arset of ephriam the first jubilee badge badeeha bad geha has made I 1 ita ta appearance pe arance it ta Is a button at 0 the biza size of a half halt dollar these words are printed on ite its face surrounding a bee hiro hiva in fn the jubilee colon colors I 1 salt lake city pioneer jubilee july 2 20 0 to 23 IM blakemore the silt lake actor Is h responsible for the badge which is i very neat and attractive attract re af the old ume utne indian odian chica who were friendly to the pia pioneer neep but two are now living washakie Wae hahie aad red tabor live lives on the site of the old tort fort bearing hie his name and tabby I 1 14 up lou oil the reservation tiou at white rooks an effort li to being emde to secure their pree pres one at the jabile Jn bilee tabby ie Is blind and otherwise oth erwiM infirm however howe vrr and acting a indian agent randlett Ranil Rand in a letter to chairman cawson says tbt that the man senda bb his regrets aud and thanks the ilia commission comm kelon for its kind mittice va H kimball of parleys Par leya park has written chairman clawson a second interesting letter concerning the history of the heber C kimball wagon which wa wait made ly by mr ur kimball in tn new yolk yok louo and reached utah in 1817 1847 6 rill the writer cays days made seventeen vent cen ronel trips from utah to tiie the missouri rier river robert gobert forrester For reeter mine boas at castle gate with win won curtis and all albert bert me mir in of left th the 6 latter place pa an for t heir wr rean recently tit die di caim cai M 4 gila glison onte ful ulanee bail nd the fake coke alnee in whitmore Whit pore |