Show w AAA a a AW hewlett bros fl i R 1 lion H eca R baking powder he und ST MADR MADE u 8 P 10 efa bagi V to RE BEST FLAVORING JL low EXTRACTS arc are delicious Dt licious TRY THEM 00 thle torand glint indeed to b bo uio equal of tile best on the he g or loucy rt funded try I 1 district emery county mercantile compans jc P y P sa s1 i i I 1 I 1 11 1 I 1 N H honcan t tea ajl 1 I graj raj e fresh a yr r tight t if you dont like it our returns y your our money pill in fit full 11 there is i no mothr tir such daaling in tea tut km tass U anctil auses a elbe Veune po erlb Arsh tu 11 lauve ITU I TU 1 stint 1 aly patents pi tents ili 0 nil llie pat patt nt ina alti l in lie tile worl of yer yeam ba lit en of limitt I 1 losis mankind kird tinn culic ch ul erts and dl DI i till loth at WK i il ir or lu ism lone more to lawre n 1 sin and 1 entler ing 1 a J W f t f kf ky RAY I 1 hare have u tod ch luila ali a vaa 1 c cht lira ra sti U u nl iu in iny iov I ov fallibly ly for fur amr aud awl it id to I 1 lio the urt leitt ia in be own it h n I 1 fr for ass b a 11 all II mil c no deadens de aders 1 what s all this e excitement about district 76 sec see it at emery co matl cos cots fur vale new of good lead land ani nil improvements at E ut wry ry county utah I 1 log boo house t afen by twenty two fet feet roof root stock yard aul an stable bubl grainery Gra inary cellar and pig pen I 1 ua l in wat lr r ight two are ui balance an ler c clr bir poet posts of them are set the above canth can be bad very cheale joseph CI cl civi vi iduix ut mr A lareen ri at 70 72 10 henry st aeto nil ted red with klable tic for over eight months she I 1 0 o cd it nearly the wb abola ole of tim titu 1 v irloa i remeda es adb ed b rif nil ia 1 wt rm tn ly 1 the 1111 ilkic ily ic ni mt 1 e bat but wilred alved nu no bhe obrn exl I one and a bait half bottles chaille pain ciui all effect exl 1 a complete arre ibis I 1 Is published puLlI shed at ber her r veal q IN ie an the wane ivans other others sI abo what anred hr her h r I 1 lie he 4 anil and aj rent tnt 0 z v fo to aale sale bi L ut bill ine inet idne dicine dalem il d alem alm district 76 at E C NJ compan Co inpan u why you S should hould go to mw HOTEL T E L CLARKE WHEN LU PRICE UTAH utahn because it has ci grything cry tiling thing new because everything is clean and neat because it uses filtered atar because it sets the best table because it lias has a sample room for traveling men because it is next to the de depot ot becaas 1 L has obliging attari attendants salts because it is the best hotel H G CLARK MANAGER stable in connection ANDY CATHARTIC 51 let AX will ma th 1 0 if W r MEW bmw MW W bmw NW CURE FU constipation re C 6 alif al or 10 4 kaa aa ALL 2541 50 4 D DRUGGISTS absolutely WWW 0 pl asa b alt fr ad U I 1 ahm C r AT R awk 11 I 1 II 0 it wa rd to the readers of thle paper will be 1111 to learn that there 1 to at toot one dreaded endel Jr disease that science hai has ben alto al ie to inre lure in 11 all II its stages and thatis ie catarrh halle catarrh late li Is t the he cure known to the tile medical fraternity catarrh wag being a cona titu disease irea a treatment catarrh core caro is taken inter internally nIly acting directly upon the bluml aud and surfaces of the system thereby destroying the foundation of the ille and giving the patient strength by building up the and as ilaug slating nature in doing ita its work prie pr tors have so varsh inn faith win ita la cara corn tire powers alt they offer Eol bollara lars for any case that it falls to cure send for liet list of testimonials address F r J CHENEY co toledo 0 sold by Drug glit I 1 me ac hall 11 a family pills are the beet best to cut 1141 Ts 1 CAt hartle au UC I 1 C Q a fail to tur sure refund BEING ING EQUIPPED for work 14 a very important tAnt fot fact or feea first class cl work Is I 1 desired I 1 have the experience and itin wet for my work I 1 will do all kind of TIN cheap lir and with dispatch amabe the manufacture of tin in lioney cats cat s a as a 2 ca JIM 3 rallon gallon estadt exl HOBERT kerron TOD uth utah two year ego ago IL J warren a drag gist it at Plema aa stat brock brook N Y bought a aa 11 div of chamberlain juh plemely he up the result as follow follows at bolt time the goods wre wire unknown in n aws section today to day charts ballu berl alsos cough remedy ie is a bone bons bold beld be ld it Is the uuie jn of ol communities where ever be the good qualities qan lilice of a cough Ret become known the li 13 will havo nothing rise eise for ule sale by all 11 II ane dicine denier dealers ninaus I 1 abuses cure torpid liver palis cure liver trouble leL if I 1 WHEN YOU WANT clemul footh bare a it sli of I 1 L u up todail loaff cut come tome to me X ajr work to iwaji tho lot beat hot flot bethill a codney tion 1 am slin bellso ing gent ent for file lie famous kaoi I 1 N J 0 CALLAWAY ay inice UTAH THE SCIENCE t OF irrigation W ma master it b by y reading Wil coes irrigation Farr farming ning A book of pages and joo giustra HIu stra eions bound in cloth price 2 by mail prepaid pre paid we print the best agricultural journal on earth try it and keep posted address FIELD AND FARM DENVER COL experience COUNTS FOR MUCH when it cowls plaster iny in I 1 have bd had twenty retire ier tice coln la thit this lane of work and ald an all guint gu stua Tnt first class work at 1 very low prices you aso r ready to plaster four your bou house let ia itte figure with you I 1 can mak it aa an object THOMAS cair anier berron utah 0 OLSEN OEO GEO BRANDON dabe dalie hanoon ol BRANDON 1 1 IX whiskies wina 1 alra JI CITI cigars set 4 fool pool room la in with salads Us us a call i CASTLE DAIX UTAH POTTER HOUSE arat class u per dy day mrs has UTAH ik i K THE CULLEN SALT LAKE CITY centrally Cent mily looted Loia ted RATES PATES 3 and a so per day 5 90 ce EWING prop P O A AND DENTIST I 1 gold work a specialty pr dalty T th crown anil and bridge work teeth extract eil aci rejla ir work may maybe be sent by mall mail prompt attention as a enrel anted ORANG orangeville EVILLE UTAH JOSEPH JOSEM CHRIS A Ai LISEN iSEN i IN hardware Hames Hanic si fj horse clochin clothing 91 saddles etc ripe nep ilits st cirr shri stleo CAST LEDALE DO YOU WANT W A N T ip 4 your heuke or cor fqy eluio this line neail neatly ly and anci quickly repaired roM if so alln boing itt it to ouie ins I 1 do 11 all II kinds of re pairing aej tin work aire a trial I 1 can au yon JOHN J MARTIN cit UTAH UTA it ATTENTION t to 0 pl CA 11 attention on to tle the cry low I 1 ana am for r repairing bool doug aud stud kocaj 1 41 mens Men boling Soling end and reeling 10 J oa 91 ladle La illes sollum rind I 1 gifol C fl N 8 r dowels with Casear ets candy cathartic cure forber im lOc loosse we fall |