Show JT T Farrer X arrer DE DEALER ALER IN general merchandise ranch and supplies hay flay grain flour a specialty cattle horses GREEN RIVER UTAH TJ TA H F B LANG proprietor OF THE T H E M A G N E T dellel in CIGARS T wines W 0 T N baiyor U 0 R fine stock of whiskeys always on hand hanal PRIOR UTAH ul bah u 13 L A 0 K S M I 1 rr H I 1 T NT N T ga foil FOR e I 1 ranchmen ranchman Ranch men freighters 4 and the general public 4 horse mule shoeing a specialty specia ity satisfaction guaranteed your patronage solicited W J 13 proprietor PRICE UTAH J B MILBURN proprietor OP OF THE OA 08 SALOON 8 dealer in CIGARS xit a LIOL po F fine stock of whiskeys falso it good hotel and restaurant resta in connection Conn eLtion board by the day or week weck at reasonable rates tice utah RITY ITY blacksmith SHOP 1 0 ROBBINS sr ty proprietor HORSE R and all kinds of blacksmithing done in a satisfactory is factory manner V rice 9 butali Ut er v K NO a EMERY EMERI ll 11 COUNTY BANK PRICE UTAH 4 transacts a general banking business L L M OLSON cashier FOR EXCHANGE we have from to pounds of nonpareil type which we wish to exchange t for brevier or long Priem cr brevier preferred our type is in the best of or order derand and very little i worn orn being comparatively new 4 this li is a of 0 the type address Aril 1 co 1891 1821 TO wiio WHOM NOTICE t ir I 1 MAY CONCERN notice is hereby given that at the annual Alec meeting ting of the shareholders of the ferrn farron creek irrigation company held at ferron january io 10 ingi 1891 the capital stock of the tile company was reduced from fifty thousand dollars 50 ito to twenty thousand dollars s E F BAILEY sect DEATHS 31 ARSING feb ath 1891 in in price utah of t ililda eeza marsing v born ani edward ord 31 Marsi arsing ug born sept 7 and on feb IP 10 1891 alphus amelic mareing born feb 18 1878 all children of N L lH Ma arsing esq of price LATER wo learn that rachel Bl marsing arsing died of the same disease yesterday morning f r |