Show A COIN COM YEARS OLD A I 1 lee or that to older than titan ami belli Is I 1 well troll preserved 1 one of the oldest coins in exis existence la Is owned by mr J A brudin of chicago it is from E bat 1 asia 1 and dates from tho the aynn dynasty sty of king wit u wang 1122 1110 1116 KINO KING WU 8 COS coms n C r 1110 31 11 C it Is I 1 c billed pi pil the mean ta in cloth mido from cotton or item cerop lerop p it ia Is amlo of bronzo bronze with railed letters and lin esthe characters being in it chinese Clun uso but of such ancient inci cut dato date that the modern Chinti mitu cant make them out it Is estill till viell reserved preserved |