Show 7 7 W ity 4 14 1 11 01 IW e ft 0 I 1 THE WESTERN SLOPE meeting of the western colorado colored congress at grand junction fifty delegates deleff etc to 10 the this grit colondo cow congress from front ew also of at the th milr ten counties of the th 1 lm 1 grand shelb ace permanent sout wa was wa was taken a Perma of effected fectea with ita Lle governor S sery sory ory aa so president and 11 T deloac the coar tation worked quickly mil and so through with the preliminaries sod ready for olid solid work alpos llie 00 cuino of 0 the thursday Thu mora moraine lawt chairman atory wen being cal belled to be U B dark clark wheeler na was made chairman pro it tern alo following committee ou iva appointed 11 II ill ILS A IL john jolla nn a T tylor taylor IV 11 wiley W J henry thomas thorn J mack 8 11 wade 11 E ademaj it good gol ily forest of the state 4 address 11 apon the sub ab jec elect lect of forett forest clr M J V iron ot of toor Jo springs with splendid 1 paper oa on and nj arri lien Bota papers were to tl on ullon and nl tb abick ick en era thad lied bf bip the congress conar condit offered a t W the pre 11 of at the united baates asking 11 41 the habdo contained roaUl ned la the grand mi so be w fron from sale 1 I or entry aud ud tx be declared a for tt tat to thu cookse ordered it signed by mhd prem vot and oil secretary ecrett try of 0 the lb chairman story cued caled tbt the code toes te to order in the afternoon and 1 tion froma tir the rio grande express agentis fruit shipments for the idesa up te to oc ober oboe 7 to be b pound pounds was read sed re reformed to it bacat of c mauu stis sti s As a w vw iv tn t on a alo IL ngu JC xii 1 I 1 iw a and ad the resources of crul crystal gunnison Gunn lon county 0 E read a paper oa an the ilia situation la in 11 cetera col colo rado in lie be stated frt ibe the road roads bow low in 0 o denver will push beyond sod bd branch brauch out to all U parta parts of at western rea tera colondo lie ile catt oed nod a line lla from deaver to grand junction and thence oo 00 the grand alid tw orade rivers to t sa sam dieco don dou dearcot upp orL the i aper wa re cegred with applause app lauie sad bd retorted to t the executive committee senator k V N alworth boullt offeror offer tf d memorial to be presented from ilia tb ars fai t rn colondo colorado congress to the next general lev for a ainlay bureau with adequately paid and bleat amers the memorial was adopted adopt eL A resolution constituting a bareau of was adopted it provides that tm tae ettre ahall bare bore for tu its oble beu U the calica of v auddress iDS of itne its 1 collecting and nd of information on the resources re oarce of western colorado the management of said buno burtu it Is eo en trusted to a general committee of one from each of the counties cou ottea if delta meia san 80 bl Iguel mont rose ouray and nd cale lacle the I 1 resident tice vito pres dent and id the teco abc eury tarr of the centre congress to bo ba ex ofilio members ct of aid said committee and to an executive committee to ahli b 0 charge of abe operation of abe bureau the counties coon tle ou cu tae the western rea tern a ope opo not rep to secure auh upon application ibe the fund funds requited to t be b provided by th abe counties coun tle the following resolution rol stive to railroad discrimination was w carried Wn tK the vie allon of railroad rl road transportation being so 0 o intimately coo con deew with the material prosperity of western every ble industry duttry in connected the tb ment thereof and wamil Wn mil the questions loo relative rela tire there to are so J intricate and far reaching requiring cageful Oe therefore be it that the executive commit tee tees of the dIffer different eat 00 councle coun 1212 lles tle hen here cepro rented as well ell aa as other localities loca litle that may insy hereafter becom become member members of this association aito clation be requested to make as a care i 1 full tul fair and thorough investigation of the i alered mad made against be dif ferett localities west of the continent continental dirlje and that aid said committees report at the earliest earl leat possible moment to the per manent moment secretary of thia this bowen ail all obtainable tai tat facts re auvo thereto and that the central committee bo be authorized to lay the information ao so received before the tha ot the different railroads operating ope in bald localities and demund demand euch such relief and justice as la Is due front from their location and natural advantages to the interest of auch such localities and that said central con oom cittee make a fuu full and ao curte report of their action actions in the premises ii deml to the colt congress to the end that aach such localities aa u may be found tobe to be unjustly un luly discriminated against may receive auch such relief as a may be within the pow 1 0 c thia this congress to ie so cum cure several member members of the convention 11 favored a direct appeal to the interstate commerce Comm Commis llon but their view were not sustained too the report ot at the committee on resola eions arid landa lands was aa read and adopted the report stated it to be the acnia of the codrea co urea thai that the general government under proper re cede code to the state the public I 1 landi and within lla its boundaries excepting uch such landaal are more valuable for mineral than for 1111 purposes forthe for abe pur purma W of developing irrigation and the TOss endorses the irrigation bori of the agri cultural department depart meat of the national a eminent the committee on reso resolution lutio presented a resolution favoring the I 1 free MO and ead onila cited coinage of silver mr story having declined the honor hono r judge hell waa WAS declared permanent per coset cnair chair man by acclamation it ca clark k wheeler of aspen was aa elected vica 1 president by al go cla mation and bammel G enot of grand jaze junction tion and a a i coall Con ll of montrose Moot roae we ere re elcied ele ted crebar cr etar and treasurer of the aurer conso con so respectively tte 1 next meeting or at tb abe O 0 le beheld be hold agress will ni stapen at aspen Ue cember r I 1 adjourned |