Show summons bum mons TsuRI TORY or t COUNTY or demarr iss i IN 2 COURT 1 PR plaintiff 1 veron vers i demand 82 00 conf DOB doz deafen defendant I 1 to doe orlettor Ore ettor aou k ou are hereby summoned aum mooed to be and app earbe fore me the undersigner undersigned under signed at my ofte in gifun hington precinct finery county territory of atals to answer A complaint filed you rou by the above named plaintiff on the ath day of sept A D 1891 said action Is I 1 brought to recover from frons ou the sum of two dollar dollars alac ed to be due the tiff from you tor for damage done by the fol low lootsy izz animal animals to wit ircy year old heifer beffer white belly ti to right on left rib ribs tro two wallow swallow borks in right ear cuare crop and two wallow swallow fork forks in left ear if you fall fell to so appear and aneser the pla plaintiff intia will tae against you for the um sum of together ber with feed lill wit and costs TO the sheriff or any constable of said county of emery GREETING make leyal legal service and due return berbet given under my hand this hi letb dayot july A D 1891 chrien JOHNSON justice J of the peace |