Show flie strangler beheaded Be the guillotined 1 deadly deada Y blade descends on eyrauds Byra neck HE DIED denouncing PAWS li fob leb 3 michael araud tho tile of the notary II 11 goutell w was as guillotined nt at 7 9 20 this morning 1 amud met his fate with fortitude all and resign As curly early ns as 2 this morning tho customary barriers were erected upon the place do la shortly afterwards two to da inions of pollee and a detachment of the guardo Republic alne took pos session of tho the place tho the night was bitter cold to make the scene more gloomy than usual a heavy damp cold fog hung over tho the cit city tho the cafe near do Ito quette were full of coro users roalo male and female singing in maudlin tones a disgusting song lieving for its refrain it is kraud N mud whom wo we must hac hai a it is his head which wo we must han iwo c The scenes scones in some of tho the 1 afas afes can be better imagined than described but they gave the stran strange 0 cr a good idea c the nature of a pans paris mob when blood is in the air by 5 45 all was ready Del deabler bler the executioner TESTED THE KM F and found it was moving casil easily ly in tho the grooves outside thoplas tho th O placa in the tile direction of the Boul boulevard card voltaire were spectators could hardly sec see anything iny thing of the proceedings ce t but who were attracted to the s pot and remained there out of sheer morbid curiosity in the miili the crowd particularly defered to was composed of scoundrels who prey upon fallen women convicts gam bling blin C club croupiers of the lowest class and girls who form the dregs of soc at 6 45 p m a party of officials in company with the gov gon bornor of la roquette Roquet tc entered the cell occupied by braud they found eyraud sitting 0 crouching on his bed and when informed thai that the petition for his pardon had been rejected eyraud replied very well the condemned conde cond mcd emed man a few minutes afterward removed the prison uniform hibi he had bad been wearing and chan 0 ged ed his trousers and socks refusing all ms istance while PREPARING FOB FOR DEATH being asked it if he had any statement to make the murderer replied in tho the negative nega tiie abbe faure then approached the guilty man and offered to receive and colv r to eyrauds wife and daughter any message which he might labi taken to them to this kind offer eyraud replied tell them that I 1 bid them adlia adli a and hope they may be happy abbe fauro faure then again offered eyraud a glass of cognac but he push cd ed it to one aide side sa ing fog no that will do no good EJ raud mud then with the chief warden and jailer into the dressing 0 room lie ile looked attentively at the gentlemen there present and anti did not utter a word he then sat down while delaler pinioned him and during this pact part of the FOR TUB guillotine turned to the governor and said might 1 I request thul thu s my body should not be gai ghea ca to tho the sur our A gc gani nI to chii request abbo baure vaure a replied your body will bo be given to your faill family 11 E araud th inked tho the abbe whereupon tho latter to em braco tho the murderer murderers wife and child f for him 4 K R raud mud garing at tile faces argand him film then angrily exclaimed constans Mini iter ot 0 tho tile interior nias na j right ho ile has non on ills his case now his prize ile ii ill bo be tonight to night with gabrielle want a grand personage ie Is going to gabrielle Gabric llo bomgard Boin Bom pard suddenly as deabler was completing the tile task of pin pinioning loning him mud you aro are hurting my finger anti turning to tile assia assis tant who ii ns ta ting ing tho the bandages blin dages he said dont pinch me so tightly pre previous lous to ing tile march to tho tile scaffolds seat rold B kraud mud again refused to drink r n glass of cognac nac chilli vas to lil leini mand and waa was rigidly ri gidi silent until he arrived nt at tho the gullot lue passing from tho tile cell to the scaffold caf Told scanned ON era ving right rind ler anti then faed ids ca c cs es DIM tile tino tine at tit tho the foot of tho the guillotine and within A few feet oc of tho the blade ba a raud rand eluded his execl for a moment and loud loudly ay and andril shouted to tile assembled crowd coustant Cou stans ie in a murderer ho he is more of tt a than I 1 nin constans is before ho he could complete iho the sentence tho the executioners seized tho murderer and ind threw throw him upon tho the incline punk plank of tho the guillotine dio die blerk bier essed cd tho the fatal nob and THE FLASHING BLADE 1 with a sharp sliding sound and the head of Gouff os assassin rolled into the tho basket bolow ay eyrauds body was then lifted into a wagon dm en on off ff at to tho the cemetery escorted by a detach merit of gendarmes gen darmes abbe fraulo followed the licely in a cab and after reading the burial service the remains at the ceille cemetery tery they the were turned oner ov cr to the dead mans rela t tiles es immediately after the he mob made a wild rush towards the guillotine and were with difficulty repulsed by the tile strong force of glardes republicano Republic anc which lad had been left in charge of tha the instrument of execution monsieur de do paris as the ga dee izena of the french capitol are to call their public executioner has found business very dull of late for not since the head of prado frado fell into his basket has the do la ro ito quette seen a crime ex expiated plated THE OV OF GOUFFE E embody knows the details of the affair of gouffe how the fair but naughty 0 gabriel gabrielle lo 10 compard enticed tho the unsuspecting notary into her lair how eyrauds sinewy hand choked the breath out of the luckless N victims body how the cocile rifled the tile dead m mans ans pockets and then packed his lody body iii n a trunk which stood near Ga Gabric brilles bed bw that trunk caused its owner a lot of trouble they tried hard to lose it but it stuck to them on their trav els back and forth through france at last they iuey managed to dump it and its grue gruesome somo conal contests tf beside a country road near lyons then michael and rind gabrielle Gabric llo cams came to the united states the spent a few das dans in new york cud finally drifted off toward the pacific 61 slop tcp at portland ore oregon oreon D on they quarreled and anti gabrielle Gabric llo found another protector a frenchman to whom sho she confessed her tier crime lie ile took her back to paris and tho the detec detectives ties ettre tre at last put on proper trail eyraud suspected hat that ho tic might fall into tho clutches of the law if be he remained in this country and accordingly fled tied to hanana aln ana where ho lie dually arrested |