Show in aho forest DY LOUIS T copyright 1201 1901 by dally daily story calf co phil I 1 paquette woodsman odeman wo never loved any girl be he saw annette An the brown eyed daughter ot of t the be bo ft cil 1 the michigan lumber camp in which le L anil and a hundred others worked all winter lie came upon ner in a clearing cone one lay day where she was wa spreading a eat least of grain I 1 lefore a flocia ot of birde birds with her was flammond llam moud the only 1 man in the world that xa I 1 aquette quette bad time enough to hate flammond Un was tall and air fair and per oatly familiar with the english lan ian guage phil wae was big with broad shoulder deril and cliar clar eye eyes and to the strong mane man con empt eal pt of the th weak he be added the bate hate ot of a man who thinks be hould should have the saml thing that has po so bo ito stood with falej tol lei arms and watched the girl a aa nealy fitting jacket brush close to a arm and andi law saw her laugh into ll ammond a face ind he aowad that he wadid save tho the girl irl from bad let into his wild brain the idea that the girl w was as as a tar far above the assistant au litant boss of the camp ai as the tare stars are art above the saginaw river by whose bank banks he be and the rest labored so he watched ham ilam mond he lie saw that the girl talked to him ottea aud and carelessly lessly be listened once or twice the talk was about books ot of which tin fie had heard beard but d aly and ot of play plays of which until thea then be he had esever u beard bearil at all one day be he ald said to Ann annette ettes father 1 I II 11 want to go to town today lie wanted to tell him hij his errand but refrained in bla his pocket be he had the savings ot of the winter and bo he meant to sper berj I 1 it in books that he too might read and be worthy ot of balkins to the hois boate daughter but he had bought boullit books before and he had hasil often bought whit ky ity so to get cortage enough to go into a hop shop and ask for or a book look he spent lome some of bis his money monty to fo drbul then be he postponed buying the book books for an hour or two and drank more he lie went into a gambling paco that he knew lie wanted to see be he toll hl hira elf self if any of his friend wen were there but he knew kneir that the truth w ati ts alt hut he wanted to play long enough to Ja lacret cresse 0 his savings till be he was able to b bj A liaa girl a fine gown be h had een seen ll 11 a window don doyn street lie ile did not intend to gi gli a e it to her b h he lit meant to blip slip it in 0 the hn li s ml id uk ask one of the women to put it in her room and ehe she would come in lit and find it and not know who nd sent it then be could look at her when she wore ware it end and say to himself that she was wear ing something om ething that cc PC had giren given and then he knew that in hit bla nind le he I 1 alf K 1 with her was hammonf would feel much ru parlor perlor to hurmond Hun mond who bad never given annetti any war he H fouad found no friend in the gambling place plots but be he stayed ani and put his money on the roulette wheel nd in exactly twenty minute minutes ae bad had only enough left ten to buy a very tittle little book bool when be walked out into the frosty air and saw av the sleighs cut through the now snow hit his mind clas cleared reil itself ot of the fumes umes of the drink and his conscience re him if sie be knew ahat hat an nn unworthy man 1 I aa am be aid said to himself hiroe elt bitterly she be would not cart care if I 1 never bought a book lie purchased A copy in of montalene montaigne that pot of whom be he remembered that hir father in france had bad often pollen spoken and all th way to the camp be he tried 0 0 read by the tile un steadier kerosene kero een lamp in the amolins car he ile looked about tor for annette Annet teas as boon soon ai as be he reached the camp but he site bad had cone gone to town they told him then be J za 1 1 I am lockin for or mr ll leammond ammond nd looked to see ee it It tta namond wai was about As A be he expected hammond ammond ll was in town aleo also lie flunk flung aba book look into tte the enow snow and it lay ther there a hour before be he vent ent for it every night after that be he read the book or asked the men who knew eng lih ilah to help him L very lvery day be he looked at annette and law saw that 1 n I air of the pine forest forests was making ber her more beautiful and that flammond clung closer to her than ever one night when tha tho tan stars were brighter than usual he lay out near the river 1 bank and hugged himself for joy lie had learl eard ear d the meaning ot of e ery sord orl in that book of essays he ile could Vion pronounce ounce most of V and mind there were a great many he spell in off band hand surely he thought aunette annette was wa closer to him than ehe she had been besides he had not gone to town ince since that day he had lot lost hie his chance to buy anntte annette a dross dress and be lie had 81 his big money till he hit hid much more than be he baj bal on that kiy 1 st only be te said proudly can cars I 1 bay buy cuore book books but I 1 can buy a gown axll r than the first and I 1 can buy nev new jacket jackets tor for myself and new shoel to wai nighta wha wh a I 1 come out c e the W and va hen the be may see me the of footsteps on the cleoe to mm him brought him to his feel A woman in ragged cl clothing thing and with ath lips liaset blue reach 4 ait her hand to him tha tumbled at his feet feel aho vho can ou on be hf he asked you ic I 1 rot vot belong here no I 1 never saw you I 1 before how flow have you come til ill the nalee from the town sc could lot peak speak and he poured docu I 1 er throat she revived a I 1 tile 1 I am for mr ll hammond ammond she bale bald ahey told me in the town that be he worked out liere hore I 1 am hi his wife here Is my ring he ile left me a year ago and told me never to follow him but I 1 lore love him and have come to ask if re 1 ill 1 not come gack to live me ine ll hammond ammond miffed rolf fed harmond Han mond shu fell back as it if be he had truck struck her he lie la to my husband she he aid said proudly I 1 love him then waa was paquette confronted with t th he oi ot of hie his ife 1 knew that to bring the poor urea woman to the bright room lu in whir It hammond ammond wai was bitting sitting with annet v wa was to crush hammond and to save An annette but what 1 I 1 annette hould should love 1 ilam ila m nond wood it would break her hert bear to see e thia this woman claim him the woodsman x took ott off hie big cap and ran his fingers through curly hair I 1 ll hammond he ald said aa it trying to think I 1 am orry sorry but there ie in no one here by that rime I 1 am ture sure dut but you have come too far and nd you an aris tired talc take my flack and this money and ill go with you to the rall railroad road station darlne baring the walk be he told her that rho ah find nine lime alae la to town and the money he b gave her wa was more than the be hid had ren seen la in month mont when the rei lights of 0 the th train vere were wallowed swallowed up in the shadowy toward town Ii IA qUett Uett alkil lowly slowly barl to camp at A he paned passed the lighted d window windows of the front room he be looked ked in la annette with flushed cheek cheeks wai talking to it ham nond mond and her bind wai wag in hil paquette wore under bli his breith breath and then walked fast ait to the river bank IN fluer his precious an choul copy of mon far out into the black river and then turned bac to his hi cabin annette loves him be said IJ dot dox fixedly I 1 did right rubt |