Show SCHOOL CISTERN CONTRACT notice Is hereby chereb given that the un der signed trustees of price district ho N 0 6 wl will 11 receive bids up to 2 p m on saturday november 30 1901 forthe for the construction of 0 a bri brick cistern on school schoolman ard of said district plane plans and specific actions may be had of H W damon about november 1 INI 1901 it G myira my ira aca L LM im OLSON 6 0 11 11 DAUO DAMON bruste Tr uste a of f arle 1 school dial datil at price utah day ot october at the late deell dons of c f the trea treasby suy y department at w a lathe follow ing dillery ullery of block stock 1 as 9 collateral security for ahe he future payment pa merit of moopy money is taxable at the rate of 3 2 cents for each or fractional pmt thereof provided dM that siah deliver la Is accompanied ba b any paper agreement 0 or r other eldena eld enc bof of transfer its required by statute k so called collateral note in abbell such stock should be described ren certainty c would be th I 1 |