Show v wa 1 washington 11 atter letter os now from I 1 aront ow flo r yit J jy lai AL to private anti trust worth flint it will becica be cice call ita W McK NICK liiM lillet in ohio ne as its agents belport ills his election sta bertao I 1 ti I 1 ut h faint n ile put 41 11 V V tj irr 0 ibo me committee 1 is engage ill lit trial ni out a pro gramme for its P part arty in that state whereby it hopes t 11 I 1 lra pulled baates senator anaf to a I 1 t rn nall I 1 tit ar this ie I 1 i in ill ellort ili ort uj a iotes for toe hufh betts ly ta 1 anti tj i spend all tile lie monc that tan call be lie i in IclAl ate li J kiil 1 till this method it hope to ike 4 ure a democrat ib tu anal r and bogh c mojor major ACK acha kr tor gin gumnor arnor pa p to beju banig gilr arpin arp istl for niril u k cantli flate late in tl it e liolu tha ij ill e call JI dat 1 J ina inai antagonisms in ili UVA 4 1111 illa part billat jwill it a AILL a 1 fora oro v n ned 3 wro C ro uhn 1 h d 1 M ann as y ay iy j tile ie is concerned foik anel tal hu d alio 0 cyp 1 dillmes te 1 I to k 4 tf L L aid n acl t attic to tit lull III ra 1 to ms n 1111 T as abr fh r an the llio 1 cirlot of tin thil selic ilic ie a t degate to lie the 41 ille n aviolat 1 man ai ti f tion i W nill ar its alij lae dorre bonc w AW tit ali who all thing w AO f ciol nt at the t I 1 C affa affi I 1 cuthal ti ile publican contention clatl n I 1 have a always tho 1070 tit alil blell tlell 0 o beata beert dominated ba b tny one man mail or one bet ot men I 1 tat 1 lit I 1 lo 10 jillie an he ho brings HIP tile beet beat ile 3 conceio it tag SLIm tarl blaine a iii affia 1 lj e thinks that by bo the fall tile staci ciar will be b prep arall to gestand ins his bui ii i r I uil of he its old time vigor 0 A not bo be supposed 41 th tint tt because blaino ie 16 A awa 1 lio ito it a f s vii en up tip lie ike direction of tajo bep Ariment of abito tie claunc cLa lio liel lonc iio do such thing nothing Nol liin of hu tina the I 1 lii his department lias has twell iccil flonc bo lick ife ilem without wu him nud anti lis his advice and bovent cor eO Vent H getting awa lie bae bag a avoided elded the thousand thou saad sant and one esse r fitial dalls with wirth which ho he would I 1 rl 1 have lo 10 alother iother if lie was m hero here anti am things hal haet been postponed which might hao lime been joao bad lit lid remained here hem i tf I 1 the president lio went to cape xii point with ath jurs ars ani the baat week I 1 to return ati washington tomorrow to morrow or 01 daj in order to tako up boluck 1 important questions anit 1 A 0 babinc meeting nic eting has bas been called for friday fridi to w which ieh these questions are tac submitted As Js moat of them to the treasury department foster arho ie now in haloj will wll 1 return timo to I 1 I 1 the north oreb american compana nj which o ip 0 the 1 lessee df the abakan alaskan scaling staling privilege liaa 68 filed a protest in the treasury department part parti ment enk against the wo rewn recent agree nth ng lanil limiting its io catch of so Js 1 during the present season to en thousand jh hundred if lia also given notice of fl a calalin Julio ing jug 0 to four lit hundred indred thousand TO which it will protest against the tho government ernul ent foe not allowing it to take the of seals beals ip bithe the contract during the of 1890 iab ie tha ej all large or larger will wilt ba up against the on ao pf ftp lossa during the tha present eado it of course be eald at chiq U me abat will bedone bo about these claims but from opinions expressed by sec see gettry blaine and nd other members of tho the administration leai lost jor clu ution first earrie up it is air to infer that the administration will favor lifto an ewt oun chils expenditure which will fau fall far ab pf tho the amount named 1 an p attempt att croft has been mado ado an and it I 1 is 5 catill being acin idaile to have the tile imd iseton OSTO n po tf thle I 1 R X major to be 04 5 1 icil ted golemon of ohio nothing could bo further from the truth tia dent anil antl every member of the cabinet is anxious for and anil confident confident of f the clellion cle ilion ot BIC ka lie Y cb and tand el cal r 0 t thain in 0 0 1 fam can bo be consistently done to make ilir hi as large aa as possible there anro ro no e jounce b 1 1 colff teadore rs andalio and no 1 0 of otiis M j j I 1 representation can cag cader tk 1 1 I 1 lw on if to department ell aellig a it til adv afi kit antrea iroil ii oil tun RM of all elul d now that the duc 11 lio 10 1 I cu ell made it 41 rt r lt I 1 0 1 w 11 1 grow w ur lr A it I 1 y I 1 c |