Show ii ric v 4 1 t r final rinal inal proofs so no aw lot 1 land office at 1 I wt lake city etab I 1 tab clune june I 1 W aleo li Is beret boreta r dived abit the following A allm notice of lif finten proof prow ft sup uil rt A or his caal that MW proof win in W bame lo juare of olath atall causly laib Lt ib ashley oa on augus 51 va tui i P A ad 41 1141 11 it 11 11 mi for j in X if 4 tec t ec U IX R 14 6 6 W T A r 0 I 1 tp A 9 it tl it K r 11 names ilse 1 foll ming witt leo to prole b 1 oam and aull tation of mid tent ln wits axt jesse 1 jin ig jr 1114 JI 2 ina nj ill fit f aeple vintah county a ty L luh tab j aasa 1 1 rossa AW IV akk li attorney for i 4 nj wattie UK IM it hir i toffa HI that tile foll owls nomel ed settler has b DIM IMN polk ut of till his In antem tem lo 10 oa alte alual proof la fit out port of his hi clun ana that laid said proff 1 wilt will be 1 rol matt wah ila t tl or county clerk of 0 vintah county at t ash jer utah do n ottly an 11 alg j mno w COATI atit IK li 1 1 ho horlib mpr N 4 ahw 0 ay it tw W I 1 I 1 I 1 0 13 p at IL 4 E L ile rules the witness to 10 dat his tl aud aj cuy 1 tn ti i isn 1 vis I 1 charlt croaff john fairchild Fair 11 chilA UtI rande T oun all 1 I 01 of A tat 1 MO il holism ito kolell got lne at palt lake city ill wall may y Z aftic iribe reby rtin arn that ih man hi alid MIC ot 1011 ie make trial proof in support of bit h culm in slid nj that root at 01 be enle before the probate judge of jofh county lista at ashley on july 15 il 1 D irr i rr H E KM for y k fr bw I 1 A t I 1 1 I a pfouts bioc tle tol lowins lowin to prolee eilf contiguous lipon atal cultivation W sal IWA VIA 1 george aang 1 william ate wirt frol cd CS A N aes 11 1 bt of jensen lintag county U ittai I 1 ah I 1 liones HUB it erister 8 for claimant W V 14 t lami sail salt like lake City Utah juiet top notion lie hereby given that anna annar L I 1 or of castle aate emery county utah tu has filed notice of woo lot jon jm to nike disks proof un ber her desert land claim iso io for ibe the 11 auf ln I 1 when will toe be the thew W 1 4 I N W T l naJ NW MB 1 48 iv t a 13 33 booth faith 10 rast before the clerk of the th county ruurt of 0 etnire county I 1 tab at it c Catl stis mw Pele on saturday the alst day of Ju lyHl 1 names tie ito wit witness nees to proto tb be irrigation itulid o 0 of alp Orla tuoT 1 boad II 11 thoman krancke m IN 11 wermer emory county munty utah moan cl ofte 1 BIRD fc 4 lodics 1 atty a for applicant no vol land at t ault lake city att juno june 8 11 wl 11 noil it is ik taby alren that the following uklid fettler jae is noil nod notice 0 of hu his latently latent lq to 0 o mall flir proof JA n id elelia claim 01 0 1 W r will to t o made before ix fore ui tho of uintah countr count r r tab at ashley on 17 11 dejl ali ClALE 3 X fraymond ft AYMOND il it M M for the H 1 4 am W tp 3 3 IL 3 X if lie names the to prove his bl alad cult lve tia aloa of cf IW W I ud find text 3 joawph alchee mckee jr arndrew dadley RII narion Dudl dudleyjr ejr all 11 of genvo luh IR 1 SW W DARM XA Ba NAtty no united ofte land und falt leko lake city police otice I 1 Is rn 1 that james jiem X walk war ire of richardson P 0 00 0 rand read county utah ba has filed notice of his intention Inton tion to moko proof onelli doport tend land claim 11 no X fl for the be un kum beil commencing at t a point in fisher A iley alley amery county t L tb tab at t the NW 1 comer of tile boert desert of frank 8 smith being ix ln D enocks EN entry being e by a hence 1 n ta 0 cbs A trances bocci thence 40 ot behs quincen N SO che cb to the tb place of begis ping af exterior boundaries bound triM wag I 1 in A T 24 8 it 23 E before the clerk of the county court of grand county ift i ke ile luymes the following with witnesses esses to arm e the complete irrigation and nd of cc pam lauds lAw relice ir rates john vach charles i fut dimang Wll llin a drown brown ait 11 II of richardson ro araw bointy ottob t tab FR fil xv D HOBIK ilona register wilkes X 7 bulwick attys 13 i I 1 I 1 at salt lake take city r T june 26 if 1 that ehat the following foll oln named so t t er do lee of bu his intent intention lo n tomik to imako joal anai amr in support or 6 hu his ealm an nd d that wd ja root roof wll will lie be aelon tile tb bounty clerk of 0 finery county U T catle do county r T agn on saturday Pat august log wl TU 1 JOIN UDEN jel R ho NO a T M fr for the 8 S i N quarter AL 8 r quarter N W bartor quart uart erv or E arter OL 8 X quarter fcc II 11 14 TT I 1 37 3 k it 9 K 1111 lie birdee the jo lowing to prove prore upon anil and said land viz ItA georgell Georff ell ilic bards teonia Turig lt at cleveland emery count yV T 0 jacab U D johnson 11 no nomi len lan 1 aco macd at bal sal lake take city utah june M ML 1 91 not ice la hereby that the th named settler lettler bs boa tied notice ot of hi ill I 1 nenon to maka bol bout arout la in laur t of I 1 und and that id proof will ba made mid becot the count counts clerk elerk of 0 finery county V U T t CU cana date amery coane U T on an bet awat augliss ii 15 33 b h ISH vex THOMAS 14 9 W aee ile ilia wil sess to prove prote bl his resided re denue upon aal nj cutter it atan qt am landT tsi john yacu gcorge jt if richard ul lewis carven cr or william Wild stil IL cowley jr kit all or of CIO claca fine rr to crity r T lion 12 |