Show RIM 3 4 4 4 4 ladies when you have time it will be to our profit and pleasure to visit isit our 4 store and take a look through the many new lines of seasonable goods for fall and winter wear wears arriving now for a month and the most of which arc are on display t 4 k our show windows arc are this week particularly at 4 but the goods on the inside and the astonish angly low prices at aich they are being moved arc are 4 much more so 4 we arc not boasting we wc say we wc have as 4 complete a stock as can be had ol 01 any of the retail 4 houses of the state salt lake city perhaps the only exception 4 the men folks and the youths will find rind here all the 4 L 4 new novelties i i in n furnishing goods and the like direct 4 1 from the biggest houses in new york the prices and the styles will please 4 L L 0 W E Ns ak T IE I 1 na 4 LEADER OF LOW PRICES am ah 4 f I 1 t 0 0 f f t 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 THE M ERE MENTION OF SCHOOL brings bring to the dindor mind of the thoughtful parent the fact that the child must be well ell shod for the fa fall 11 and winter months and this serves to remind us that we c bought headily for this trade of childrens school shoes extra good value which we c hae in many st acs ics and shapes until the block stock is all e disposed asp ased of they are to go we SP f have ha e them as low as 4 there are better ones of course at from S to 6 1 OUR I UR FALL LINE of ladies silk satin and wool skirts and waists are now on dis 4 4 pla and nc never er ha have c we or any other house in this section offered f such values for so ho little money in childrens fall dresses for school 4 s and general beneral brar we have extra inducements to offer oner other stores mav ma toast boast of v hat they are doing to allure the unsuspecting acting to their 4 houses but it the lie old reliable is never neer undersold and will come 4 nearer gi giving ing ou a dollars worth word of lionett goods for your money or produce vear car in and v ear tar out than any andol of them WE DELIVER YOU COAL 4 in III the bin at it 2 25 the ton place your order while the roads are good we want ant our baled hay and produce and will wi pay you the top market price PRICE TRADING COMPANY 64 4 W 11 D livingston LAWYER manti mariti utah water and litigation givon cial attention lit altol n I 1 in collections all igal I lg gal l uiva prompt Mt tic ii in all 11 th REUBEN G MILLER a aft wool grower jac and breeder 6 merino and lincoln bille blile CATTLE nd d horak i 11 liver 1 4 11 R A As KIRKER M E examines and R deports on mines at anil 31 3 1 aero rero carboa la in et E t rm uth ut h ml nf V kerrn rn QIn rilo in fire AM ald W se arall MARK P BRAFFET B R AFFET I 1 EY AT LAW SCOFIELD UTAH first class livery in connection H OTEL P pr R co COTNER owr H D ELLIOTT CLARKE LARKE 11 the table supplied with the best the market afford affords headquarters for commercial men alen and the general traveling public the only up to date hotel in this part of eastern utah rates hates 2 per day fau sample rooms in connection 6 SM SS bic sasi C me WORTH BARBER SHOP and BATH ROOMS next to the foet office agent for the TROY STEAM LAUNDRY at salt lat city toilet articles cosmetics shaving soaps perfumes hand land and face creams hair tonics etc kept on hand and for sale ladies shampooing at homes or at the shop hop S 1 razors honed shears ground the pea green front F aront MINT SALOON J M fine vines wines bonded whisky eastern ea stern beers finest cigars pra CLI U lt ool IN till also aloir w DIPPI C vot to ji orald drain 1 Z UTAH short rt order or der restaurant under new management MRS OLIVE MILLER letress rhe house has been most thoroughly reno aled ed and new furniture and furnishings in clean put linen CoUrte courteous oU sat attention and e cry thing cooked lust just as a wanted afef BI efana and all the delicacies in their season PRICES reasonable C E larsen DEALER IN all kinde kinds of FARM implements agent f fi r the utah implement co IOK I OK EMERY COUNTY k FOR ALL kindo OF 01 marx Rus rushford liford and mitchell liell spring and farm wagons bennby h Y PERRY and G ARLAND all roods goods come ie ill car load lot lots direct from the amat crown mowers changeable iel speed osborn 0 mower mowers and binders hird hard woods oils twines and iron call and examine goods and get prices CASTLE DALE UTAH PERRON FERRON SALOON A krup Dea dealer leris la in WINES LIQUORS AND ANID CIGARS etil ALL A lit L A afi PERRON FERRON UTAH 7 F E WOODS ATTORNEY CASTLE DALE UTAH district attorney fr the S anth jn dickal dit DI t brict will practice ce in all tm the courts in ail civil cimo irti ir littlon and ad P bbate mati erst div iclal acu attention C E PEARSON M D 9 physician and so wil ail all calls promptly attro atten 11 CASTLE DALF UTAH |