Show resolution 1 alft AL ft I ats to 1 4 aj of 9 arti 11 11 6 f that hi bo elate of r I 1 ik 1 I 1 lo 10 die I 1 ikall a by this th I 1 ropi pl p l im it rc solved 11 and nl enacted by the 4 of the state of at urh utah two call lithe the m member m fleeted to eikli u bou boa thereof 1 a section I 1 tbt that s stion tion I 1 of article 6 of t abi at 0 the state of atall be ameada madei mB dei to rd tollow bee I 1 tb po power er hall shall be I 1 ina senate land which hall be delaa ted the J 1 the tb ata of utah I 1 la in the arple of the sato ot at malt as ak pi abid the legal voter voters or fraction fractional pert thereof vials as mar may be pro tided to by law tinder under SUCIA cli condition ad la in uch suck v uner and nd within uch awls time as may b pro tided vided bj by law may way initiate any dedred toots aad cause be tle aa ume to be submitted to a tot tow of tb the people for or parol approval or rj cllon or of may 27 require uy law lw vea V ea by the tb exely except tb la ard aa by a hr tw t rote vote of ottee the member members eleckel to rach each house of iba Leata lature to be submitted ta to the voters 1 I th the state before uch such uw iw ahall take effect the legal botera or such parl thereof en way be by un of say ay M t man llon of at tle the under such conditions an nd it in such braner mannier sit nd athia within uch wh time as be by law WAT initiate SOY oy 40 I 1 legislation and caud the me to be sub ab baitt ea to is tite to of the people ot of wa ja legal ire O 0 WITIa lon for or ut or rejection or mar require oy y io lw r ordin am p 4 1 by the ati r 1 sam 64 body of f datil id fitl 1 most to be f uba to abo air voter thereof before aab law ln or ar ora om nu liall hall take ole sec 2 the bat alon I 1 of article 6 ot the constitution or of the stale state of utah be amended mead fd to mj read as fallow follows see ft 22 the clauw ot c every taw law a liall ball bp be lie 14 it enacted by the tb lAgi legislature slature ot of abe I 1 be sta efte to ot of U utah lab it seeps aeh goh law laws as a nuy wai be t br by ibe the vote of of the el elector F arn rl vad apu ipu iiii t lion I 1 of thil art kniche a aa ad aucta aci la taw ball begin as 1 l follow lie 11 I 1 rafted by 1 0 af I 1 tb b atte bf of 1 la vo bill or joint 4 qu I 1 all be x copt with tit ui the senit of at the m jori ly of f 11 jail ll abil tb member eloe teil 11 1 ot lure tore aad ad after it has h been read three jimr the vote upon like final pait saire ct of ku tall bill bills stall be by a I 1 by day kad d DO to lw law all isbell be rT re laed ledor or amena d by reference freace rf to its title only but abe be ket act as reil reel el at or as ion as a e n ua ishall be to t and 1 I 4 le ff tb ln ae 1 2 the tart of f astl Is I 1 berby ordered to ca this to be pub puts la to as t least ann tun paper in every cou rea re nevrA p a pe too I 1 pub put albed to for two jD the tb next lo tilou ben bee 4 thil this aull be tub sub rattled to the of this state at 1 l the be next lection Iret lon for or their r T XI cial ballots aed at mid asid curtla hu 1 bior athe ibe amendment to I 1 kad t arilyle of tie tte sud ad allot aclo At lot the am adrat nl to sic sm eions I 1 0 6 of or the etc ie kod and aurb suck declaration detler desla atlon ration of 0 two 1111 se tny tier ba by lew idali bail bald tate ball be tn tallies roual rd can fabso cumi 4 tod sea clorn t lamie ta the im in suet and ad in all 11 ll 1 boo b P 1 I 1 la c of t the of 0 state dinner omero STATS 8 or UTH ia 1 M ot 64 7 of 0 st alt ate I 1 ame T hammond t Sta tilot ot the taa of etith do hereby erhuy th tit the tb the ire are true and dd corbi rv 11 ale sto fit I 1 tie the reut loa dropola w to I 1 thi he ot of tb kt tae he third regular bes bession slon p pt the oll ot at this bdate la in T rua I 1 have here lasts nr ses my baad ma eted snored ilia tb is 11 Urt at tto the ta stav of 1 I atah as 1 S I 1 L k lu W ard it day of 0 au fut trust A D V 1 I 0 J T ol 01 baitie excellent re result cults are r to aa been obtained by the french from expert men tas mad made with wireless wt reles telegraphy raphy it was found that communication could be maintained with comparative eo be tween the shore and a hip ship at the distance ot of sixty slay mile miles only the height of the mast of 0 the ship longer distance beina la in of 04 this it hus been decided to equip tle french ra nean witti the ap |