Show probate and gilard manship notices clerk or I 1 lh he 1 for fanner in th the burt ja ju dis dl brict probate viviola Vivi oln lu too and oil fur tb the CA mity 4 f carbon state of utah la in the mutter matter of the rotate estate of antonio trone the petition loto of C 11 pr ilni foi fog tho lurico lur Is tu to himell of leitar of 0 adamini in the astute of antonio darone barone tl crance cea haq beu b eu set et for or hearing on monday the I 1 be I 1 lib ly day of 0 jan june A D 1000 1900 it tit ID it a in at the court bonne house in price carbon county utah 16 aln itri mit tho clerk of said id court with real seat affixed thin hi a 2 n 1 ilar of mar may A D efto ja clerk walley iley L drown brown after attorney n ey m FUR FOR publication no nil 1 land lanu t it at bait salt like lake city utah MT M T 10 iju I 1 hr botfly t y given g I 1 t that 1 a t I 1 the be foll follow 1 w ion fog natured miller settler hae has filed of III hie intention to make final proof in an port of bin his claim an in I 1 that al at I 1 proof ull will le be lumie made bif bi f re ire the county clerk 0 rk 0 of utah countr county utah at provo utah on july 7 1900 viz william Willi wit it southwell 11 1 I 1 11 1 for O 0 r the 8 14 aj BE SE 14 bec 23 2 NE 1 4 NE 14 I 4 sec SO 20 aad and NW 14 NW XV 14 lee U 3 twp 11 8 R 8 E B L it lie names the f allow ing to prove ills ilia ue nl l nce nee dpn and anil 1 if of 1141 I 1 loot mil TIC I 1 F johnq s ilki J i f ill Is cuell mairi i 0 U L I 1 1 oi o I to 11 f A it n U FRANK D II 11 glitter L 11 II oray A gorncy lorn y birot published may 24 icet published pal aliel june FREE NORMAL bertlon 2300 of albeno timed of utah profiles pro vIles rt it tb abato 1 U ant of public instruction on or ifford the id lift idt t lay of alar may ol 01 inch year at a r 1 a I portion to ahr mantles and ilits f t state ou on the basis of boot population the of free brinn normal scholarships in the universities of utah to which euth counties conn tica and cities are severally he same section of ol 01 ibn th law further provides provi ilK that appoint nix vi free fr normal uh lell arball be mit if to by the tat superintend neol nt of put lie ile on nominations br v ihn hit bards ba ol 01 ra or itty ity barle boards of or eil motion taice take notice therefore ther e fore that th t cirtin ie is poll tied tu to ono perron to enca f in the pitr rity of utah fo the year IVA to bf tw ap an p aceil lor for a arm n of four years the it of all c condl inai iston far fre re wh lahip mn inet tt tf ant a nt to roy my office on r baor angart I lt it t II 11 G M hanpt NOTICE norice FOR publication no 1 ls l to S lew VJ land office belt salt lake luk e uty city utah aprile april 0 notice li in beregi rivian that the following named settlers nave ave HIM flied notice ot of their intention to make anal boat proof proofs in port ol 01 their claims and nd that suf maid as up d rm fl to will be made 1 the county lerk I 1 f kniery county utah at cantle date 11 utah on an june I 1 ith th lilli vis vic HA f L 1 A I 1 II 11 K 10 ma flot fing for I 1 his h 13 N NW 14 and 4 NF nr H I 1 I 1 BW SW 1 14 4 sea S 0 I 7 tp 1 19 8 etire 9 K 18 I 1 n M 11 witnesses to prove hl 0 01 reel real lence epou and cu titivation ItI of said land alz ix carl 1 E derix n A 0 1 ivingston f 1 libeer and D 1 T abma all of if alts ile dale flab 11 JOHN jilla A AIKEN 1 II 11 I 1 forthe W 12 NE C 1 14 4 oft T tw lie name names the following to prove big continuous residence up ut n ara ell Itly stion of hild land hixt carl I 1 raen A 0 arl art allter and I 1 U 1 I T llo glider r allot Casti dale utah k HAN 1 1 illis kerl tar NOTI E FOR publication vo fo land larid odice office at salt lako city etab april IV 1 US 1 hereby rtin that the following fol lowin named bettit et ra have bled filed notice of their anten tion on to mako onal anal proof in support of their claim aim and that ill I 1 1 proof will lie te made be fore ore wm win if ard war d 17 14 the 4 IP o I P stare in lei eland elend alfh L tab on J ine nd I 1 VAX wl 1 C 1 TIAN no II 11 t I 1 ails f r the SW W 14 aw 14 1 4 see arx I 1 it N I 1 2 NW it I 1 4 deelo and NE nka 14 1 4 NE t son beolet IV twit twp IT 17 S 10 t 8 lf 1 alto names the following to pro 0 is real denee utu UN n nand and cultivation of eald M land li john tl john 11 J lan lars P aar n 1 inon all r cleveland I 1 th mi 1 1 brick lek 1 ir II 11 V IM 4 for arthe the W lana 12 1 14 alc st two twp 17 6 its LU llin ameo the following bitne s to prove his continuous klet ro ce upon and con 1 antion of at I 1 land lars 11 over alar I 1 ul olpher oil of cleeland L tat amnell Im 11 Nell ne I 1 a 4 L nellen nell en H h no forth for th food lot I 1 S I J and 23 ah 14 no abl 14 4 neo T p 1 I 0 it 1 16 r 8 he lie names the following witnesses to droit e big continuous resi denoo 1 1 illation or aid paid lund land vl vix itsumu 0 ais thoma thomas ia kich rde andrew J malion atwood all of Cle cleveland oeland etab KHANK FRANK 1 register 1 0 r F S T alo rement ot of ibe the in ge perlor r 1 r L lulled z ii ted laps lan I 1 office boffl 11 fait 11 ake city II 11 A willi elent on isake davit bavler alwen been f filed led in this abi office by fred crick erick Ani ernon t hume saiad entry 0 no o made doo dee IS 1 93 for V 4 NEI 4 sect tw iba RNE br by abner N buckler cont estre in in which it to all W that uil 1411 hai has abanil 4 aid said land am and chaired h ked his ther efro for diore more than lit sit month months sig inco makinia raid paid en try en an I 1 next prior r hereto and bis this ment wa was nut not calved br service ix arvice in I 1 the he army or navy of the lilied states maid IJ parties are aro ber berell etil notified not I 1 led to appeal roond and nd offe neer evidence tout tow hint bald at io 10 c choc a m oa may W iwu before the ru ty 1 lerk jerk of county tah at in dale etab and that anal bearing will b too held on june V 9 before I 1 the he artor loter and of the bolt i elate so I 1 in exit 1511 lake lily city I 1 tab tah the sal mid it tant halinar IR in a arri davit nied flied april al fot pet forth fact facts which bow show that after due diligence personal botlee otal of this not ice cannot too e made it in hereby or dered and directed bat chat luch such notice t glien b by 4 due and proper in the barteni inah ah advocate Adro cate at wico utah cac carer county there bourne abdor in no pr now published in karry F lot gy county aw where luo to land Is and carbon aff an adiol coun tr ty FRANK U D ilonis tuff r SUMMONS in lue claritt court jn of the seventh judicial ft lodrict of the tate of utan uran mittit w in a and lil for arann 1 tono ol 01 u ty it K if pi plain I 1 in tit 1 v V 0 th ituarte uart defendant in no at t of V tab to said dependent deren dent 3 lou ns b brorby by summons 1 IA to app appear earlu in twenty wenty t day after the beryl errice c of tul maroon summons ui dpn n ou if or erred served wit hl the county la in wl lab ibl this action Is I 1 bro brosat bros zt jt aloe within thirty day days after ervice service aud duizend the a action mcd in ca oae 9 of your failure faila re to todo do no so will be rendered rende eed list you f recording accord ln to tot thede be hilemand mandof of their flied ad therein a 9 which blob Is I 1 herewith served upon you MAUK P attorn attorney for Posto loe tsoo aJ addres 14 price carbon r ownly I 1 tab MayM POu |