Show ILLINOIS MURDERER CAUGHT AT SALT LAKE 1 I aitho rigid III brally Is sad ail ru YOU let fiends of 1 I the I 1 ile samuel mor moser who murdered his hi afe to and children at llor too illinois my mry 13 wit was taken into custody at halt bait laic lake and oil given afa into the he band hands of illinois officer moer moser endeavored to imatt 03 mit suicide by about bunting lair and end 1 Is I 1 misery but bit his aim alm wr wf and I 1 sadir produced ft a flesh wound sunday morning morn loir reak moer moser wet to the sk kin in and with A ith blood streaming from his hi head wai was found un on beconi houth treet street by officer palmer who took him to the tile station lie freely de flared that be b was WK the murderer and that he hail attempted ir its a consequence lie said id that he had gone down to the bridge over the jordan at of second south and louth IN tt cat stood oo 00 the tile bridge hot himself and nd tall into the ilia water the wound however was wi suM uffie lent alent aly ottly to slightly kuin liliu film aad and he got out t as quickly an a he lie could au lille the police allce nare pro loth for a time to believe 11 the man a statement look dine upon them ai as the ravings of a mind a search of isis loir lair revealed the fact that he had told the truth crime wa was a revolting a one lie tell tells the atory story Ps 01 follow follows 1 I killed my wife one ROB non of seven year years another of five ne years and sod the baby of the family ead aged eight month months I 1 was leas during a portion of the day my wife wito and children having irone gone to the oralph church of which her father is I 1 one of the preachers she caina came home about 6 0 clock an I 1 went into the tile cellar I 1 followed tier her down and hot shot her I 1 iben ben I 1 took my oldest boy into the bedroom and lot him I 1 called the net boy to roe me told him to go to into the pantry I 1 it was when I 1 hot shot him alo also as a he turned bla his back toward O 0 me I 1 could not do it with him look ing nr at me you know then came the th baby I 1 took one hot shot at her er aa h he I 1 laj ay la tn the tile bed but I 1 do not at b believe that I 1 hit her the first time so 0 o I 1 fired twice more then I 1 knew know that she he waa was dead then I 1 went down into the cellar where the lody body of my wife wa was lying and nd covered it up with a is piece of old carpet I 1 threw throw ome items clothe clothes over the bodies bod letof of the tile children leaving 11 then them where they fell locked up the house had started away 1 I reached here thursday morn looming inte last night might I 1 went down to the river tood on the bridge bot shot myself in the bead head and fell in th the cold water retired me we and I 1 crawled out when I 1 found out that the wound waa was not fatal I 1 concluded to try again but could not find my plated eo I 1 wand tred ered backup back ap town closer a mind Is i evidently unbalanced and he be wa was probably insane when the deed wa was committed to the police be he said be he did not care what be cam of him SO a be he had a nothing to lire IT tor for |