Show SHORT SHORI STORIES dean who has ben in pr provo vo for come some months attending the B Y als i is home agaid acclis and ie etu chii loyed lloyed as us amistani ami stant postmaster it ie is rumored rut nored by trainmen that crewe crews on the alu line of the rio grande western will soon run through to we lenwood wood colorado the advocate carries a full fullil line ne of 0 f legal blanks typewriter papers carton sheets typewriter ribbon ribbons etc mail tall orders receive cart barf fu a i and kroull t at t A letter from thomas 31 urphy received by mrs clarphy lar phy tales states that the climate of color lo 10 is i roving beneficial to him and be he hop hopee to return here greatly atul roved in health J A nixon of has been appointed state egi r t of the western loan lonn 6 iny of bait lake and will leave tor for de do lamar wyo shortly in the interests of the company J W whit white a nuner in to no I 1 coal mine at scofield was taken to st marks alark 8 hospital friday suffering su frering from front a acon coni pound fracture of the left leg jeg below the know caused by A heavy rock falling upon bin the tte swedish M wai present ed at town hall 1111 tuesday evening I 1 ly y mr illiams and ana company to a fair fai r ailed and an dence lence like all of mr wil wit liams pieces thit this one was well ren lore and well reo recoil ailed J chaa chas anbrew an Ani gremp rew abo aci nci hi wol w ol 01 buyer was here tho the early part of the looking up matters in his line II 11 found flock owner here well as to price an I 1 on wing lo 10 sell fur for a price he considered re anable able the telephone line into emery county tins has been busy s am tho tb coal cost mire bor hor at V N inter quarters terp currying carrying pad end A tu I 1 bereaved relatives in the town towns donth of here where many of odthe the unfortunates of the disaster lived incorporation papers were filed last la week with recorder Rec oTiler howat I 1 of the i ra building association of scofield and winter quarto aarli r ft M being recorded at 1 per there thin peaks much for the town iowa of Re ofield elJ beeve 1 is here hero on the charge of allowing hia his beep sheer to befoul the waters of minnie manil hand creak in the nine mile blile country to ala north stevo bay say it li is a mist alre as bb his act p have not been on that for two years yeam fire in insurance written in the batt be companies doing baseness ba siness in utah call upon or write R IV crockett Croc keti for rate rates terms etc low rated rates on oil church tp and public buil dingli anyn bere in L astern utah isaac goff jr of ve t jordan laet last week conveyed by br warranty deed to S M W whitmore of salt lake thirty two to acres of farming laud near Bing bingham harn junction together with the improve ments an I 1 tit trill nery tha eon consid ration j valentine kapps and maraja kriz manic mantel ixta of i oate vi visited the coneo clerke clerks office saturday ba and obtain bained tha the ne essary perin its to marry bishop scanlan of salt lake city performed the at thil the catholic charch at castle oate sheriff daniels of carbon counis count wo who wae was here for two or daya awaiting the arrival afan of an officer office ar frum from vernil verrill with n prisoner oner who la is wanted in NN youlan aa for horse linx r cegred his prisoner heie bets an ani I 1 left for rawlins at night Desi desmond nond the fru ryar oil oll conof tonof ton of john AI ornon fell from front a wagon today and dislocated one of hn arms at the I 1 bow dr fiek fisk wai called an 1 ret the ar I 1 at this writing ahn little fellow Is resting ray emy an tin I 1 doing as well as could bo be expected vern carcy carey who has haq I a Fuff ring with n severe attack of ia ta will leave lu to afew daye days for th hot springs probably at sit Ct costill still to try the baths there his maar frien I 1 hope tie be will receive much benefit an ani I 1 return her hert in good health assistant united atutes attorney cherrington Cherring too went tu to fort duelfer chena na last lait friday tn con fact the hearing before the united states r of etc bred 1 Wal lill the be company cook took charged with the killing of arthur S wall ice of 0 troop 1 I ninth cavalry s bh shearing earing at the onta of town has beebi huspen 11 for the present on account chonn of the the late delayed the work sa anat it much that was to be done here hero will 1 I 11 now be done later on in the woun lain taint neat v est and north a few weeks later tho gynnild in receipt of a con cori float dr win will wint re ra now low in chicago flu lying in hi be he aya says be will be located in sit mt pleasant eoon soon to tico lie in ihie this and surrounding towns lie h atten hag ling a po post pot t gral nto coaree lut lot ie Is making a aleci alty of deiseh of women and children and alo surgery he lie slates that ho list an I 1 dr camada bad had arranged a part partnership ner an ani I 1 bad had the lattur lied wool I 1 have been associated in the profession now dr winter winters liaa n any friends here who will be 11 to learn of hi his determination to come hire mt cleant pyramid robert leeter lester a man from cleveland hired a team and bargy at alliot a livery table stable night to drive to a beep camp about one milo from front town an I 1 failing to return at tie mated stated time tinte WM wha found at huntington by allred tb br ingot ailin back mid sud after paying for the liver livery ont fit coit cost of filing f r suit which ha ila I 1 been entered against him in the justices jnet ice court coart ur hud d the fee fees paid by mr elliott for telegrams annl an I 1 teleet ine berdge mer dge sent ent conr he wan was turned loose and several dollar dollars poorer than when he be hired the outfit young lester said aid ho waa was out for a barkand lark and thought it be he would wool go aud and see bin his bt best b t girl at huntington |