Show EXTRA PAY FOR VOR of wr W r A wets I if secretary of 0 1 ar hoot root hat hits sent to the senate lila his reply to the of april slit aa an to whether of the united states army lu in C cuba u iia or florin bitica have received any ny bation alon la to addition to wirt what they were entitled to receive 1 by lw law as alary salary mud ud allowances anti nil it if to 0 o asking all Df tile names and ranka of the lie officers and 10 lo the amounts received by thin th tm the reply ay says tit that silo homing anes liv have been dinald four of liceri tit the tile army who ho have ien inquired to 11 live in klavans and to perform important civil function functions la in connection with the ration of the government g of cuba as follow follows the military governor of cub cuba at the rate of 0 per year to the th mill tary governor of havana at the rate of per rear year to the collector of buo cuo cu loin tome for the lland island of cuba at the rate of 11 1 I per year to the tile treasurer of tle tile felon I 1 of cub cuba at the rate of per year |