Show the inie rui funeral teral of the future tho the timo time is coming said an undertaker der taker of yew vow york city tho the other daa da jr arllen when people will 0 aeo aso to go to fa in troops troop 26 and when tho friends of tho the deceased will take fa farewell re n e of the remains at his home instead of following him to tho the grave grao they do now this will be a decided change for the better funerals as now conducted are foolish and meaningless performances r L they hey bring discomfort to all who attend them and in many cases they do positive injury think of the thousands of people who catch their deaths ot of cold from standing 7 shivering crin around an open grave gravo and from sitting for hours in camagna traveling at a snails ace for miles into the country of course the time ia Is not far distant when burials win wilt be largely superseded eded by cremation on the whole I 1 am disposed to regard cremation as a blessing people are opposed to it now because they think that it la Is unnatural I 1 and horrible hoi Tible it is simply an assistance us istance to na natures we work rk it does neatly and quickly what nature accomplishes after af toe r a long time and in a very unpleasant ant fashion I 1 wonder if people will ever realize that when a human being dies the body which ho he leaves behind him is not him self there is no more relation be tween a man when he is ii living an and d when be la Is dead than there ja I 1 between any y alvin living thing and a piece of clay but wo we have not reached the stage of civilization when tho the popular mind can grasp this fact when men we do there will III be very cry different funeral coro from those now in vogue 0 and other methods of disposing of the dead will change materialism materialise materi alise yew york telegram |