Show to whom it may concern notice li to hereby beby be by siren that be the IL Oom kompany pany intend petitioning tile secretary of tho the interior for the pr irela iam of cutting for tho the purist ro so of ranking making into irn br nr and any palie timberon tim timber beron on tho the tot 10 ic destri lied ian Is to wt ditl at what ie known n iho tile il lemi a sherman mill situated in ili tho tile can yon thence up tho the canyon ono one and three quarter s with ull all ibo the canyon fini korites on cither side of the to tbell di ridge of aid mid canyon canyons and gerges anas 0 ikeler via IN A Ani mitson A J abbt daood may SO 1801 hido not uell unlike e ur usually ono one of tho the thongs ie Is cuoc au than thau tho the others eo 80 that whon when tho the 1 t lines oro am grasped at abo point of jo turo ture ono one ball hangs banga loes less far down ti its mates such su h ie Is tho native weapon of i tall now how do t wo it generally the hunter can c it twisted round hie his waist liko like tho a R of an 1 the balls dangling at aide side liko like tho tassel of a sash 1 patagonian batna patna onlan is usually mounted lj our comancho comanche indian and books game from tho saddle when men be sees bis his gamo and anti gli his bi tho the rein ho he unwinds thet the I 1 las lag by a single motion of hie his deft ha h and grasps tho the thong thongs at the point p union ahtty go the hunter and an game sometimes the fleet ostrich ostrIC 14 other ace the equally swift guana not a nun amont of the gomo game d tho the rata ponlan miss he ire bears do f upon il ii like a whirlwind the tho ea e rany i ahn |