Show perfect letter copying BOOK I 1 I 1 IS S A BOOK AND PRESS I 1 NED the pressure comes in ing the tile book in the hands it can be used anywhere with ordinary ink and makes PERFECT COPIES you will be surprised and more than satisfied with the perfection of the copies taken in them over of these books now in use they are light and portable easy and quick to use PAGES EACH sent by mail postpaid on receipt of price siao L A HUMPHREY benl abt PRICE UTAH magnolia hall CHOICE IMPORTED WINES LIQUORS CIGARS billiards pool rooms B F CAFFEY manager r CASTLE A GATE UTAH huntington HOUSE H LOVELESS prop good accommodations furnished the Tm traveling public huntington blunt ington utah MILLINERY STORE goods now on hand sold at cost to make room for a new and complete stock all latest styles constantly on hand prices reasonable MRS ALICE j JONES ONES HUNTINGTON 9 UTAH J j jeffs effs HAY GRAIN and STABLING GASTLE DALE UTAH STAGE OTAGE STATION B THOMPSON BR R good accommodations famish ed the traveling public at im B R thom thompsons p sons ranch fifteen 4 miles from price SAYI AY just give I 1 ve us a call rhene vcr you pass our toots boots and shoes are arc of first class al how low the pic price i you ou I 1 cannot guess notions and dry goods are arc all the tile best U sugar tea coffee poultry and rice oh dont we sell them way down in price c nor do we forget our other great trade both in wagons and harness all ready made right this way gentle gentlemen nien folks bring on your burc or butter or eggs hides pelts wool and gaa ga so dont fail to call at the P 0 in huntington WHERE YOU WILL FIND A FULL ll 11 DRUGS MEDICINES 9 ARTICLES SINGER SEV slean ING MACHINES MACH IiNES MUSIC MUSI GOODS 0 j JOHNSOM 0 H S 0 T T BRO I huntington HUNTING aun lingron TOM V r mrs E harmon har m on co C 00 DEALER IN millinery Mili nery goods Queen nu nuts t b candies notions toys fancy Q ladies fine shoes wraps gents furnishing goods including read made clothing stationery and ge school supplies P instructions given in cutting and fitting also dres ing in the latest styles fruit flower and waa x taught dresses and suits made to order on short ra m fine assortment of dress patterns always on oil hand remember the place one halt half block west of robbyne Robb lne furniture store main street huntington billiams Vi I 1 lliams chea cheap cash sto sl REMEMBER that we sell no specialties below co catch high prices on other goods we G sell everything generally VERY CHEAP because we mark everything gener general low profit margins investigate and call on us for general cash bai bar WILLIAMS CHEAP 0 H EAP CASH ST STO OPPOSITE SITE R G W DEPOT PRIOR PI ul DRY GOODS CLOTHING BOOTS and SHOES stationery DRUGS GROCERIES FLOUR and GRAIN IN PRODUCE GENERA 7 |