Show lost her peter e i crops arc are growing nicely hoyt is on our streets again a good meal go to Mil burns F bailey of ferron is in alay ay you want to make final proof K king 0 smith of huntington was blon monday day I 1 e eb mathis lathis house is receiving a a coat of paint brasher rasher of Hunting huntington 0 tow went lake today to day is rumored that we are to hm hao n neat eat market in town e engine 0 for the gravel train na v castle tle gate to coal up e the cheap rates ocr the R during 0 the musical festival pt spatial train pass agh town at 10 30 it not be a good plan to ie e meat market kept kent IL cpin all as jones the huntington r was on our streets yester rom m the appearance of the E I 1 we ire are am to have more rain rain has started tho the grass all lall pastle valley and surrounding bains as ill bryner arz hc just returned hb Is second trip to ft duchesne orith ae ear arc 0 now to commencing to get got on or utah and would lat uvo live her place W 0 poison supt bupt of the om villo ville co op made the telegraph a office a call this week J alger constable at cleveland brought us two summonses to pub lish this week the TELEGRAPH this week took a large order from the orangeville Orang eville coop co op for job work several price people contemplate taking a picnic dinner in the mountains nest next sunday W J powell is in town today to day he is on his way to salt lake and will be gone sc se oral da das 3 s T 0 miles was in town tuesday ho ile was gathering his horses out of J all herd 11 A atkeson esou is doing c some carpenter work on the mathis house fixing up the veranda and other finishing ishino work 0 M W molen an cs ex selectman of emery county and now a reil resident dent of springville Spring ville was in town monday attending to business V the firm of jones bros butchers and dealers in produce are doing a big business they aio me working up considerable trade in price bob fuller left oft sunday morning for tho the san ra fael to look after bis his cattle in that country ho he will not nofre return turn for several weeks 11 several veral suits have been filed this week against the ra railroad broad company by parties rho lia hae a had stock killed S K king is the attorney for plain tifis tins chris wilcox supt bupt of the hunt ini ington g oton coop co op made a trip to scofield and P 1 V junction this week and on his return started this morning for huntington Hunting fon with several loads of roods goods this office is prepared to do t wt as good work as can bo be done at any printing house in utah we buy OU our r stock direct from the iclal les te houses and can therefore give good prices five collors to salt lake and return rood good until june ath mrs reynolds mother of mrs E H F bailey ot at perron arrived in town from springville Spring ville on no 2 and will go to perron tomorrow to morrow where she will remain sometime for or cUmo visiting L Pier soD sov esq and mr guy man of vernal have been in town for a few dais da s mr pierson is shipping all freight coming to thia place for Bar hites a at white rocks henry br brnca nor bad had a fine cow killed on the dinst by the IL G W road he is taking 0 steps to re cove coe something from the company for killing 0 her he ile might as well com commence menco suit at once as the R Q G road will not be apt to pay up until compelled to do so died on thursday afternoon may 25 1881 the infant son of mr and mrs F B bang lang of congestion of the lungs the baby aras about bout two months old the parents have tha sympathy of the entire community the rio grando grande road will sell tickets from price to salt lake and return 30 and good to and including june ath parties wishing to visit the city during 0 tho the great musical festi festival al and the young mens bleus ampro ement association should buy tickets on dates as follows conference tickets will bo be on sale may y may and june let good returning up to and including june esth musical F festival estival tickets will ill be ou sale juno june ath ath eth good return ing up to and including june fth burgos burges nickerson aro are kept busy bury these days iu in their blacksmith shop where the they are prepared to do all kinds of work |