Show the elders of emery atalie ilbo have been on mits lons will bola a reunion at huntington september 43 13 and 29 when the following program will be ien tendered dered ging 1140 fl euni panr I 1 rarer cha chaplain P an J 1 II 11 1 pace e poc 0 r 1 C 0 o 0 dw r d president II 11 0 miller 0 of f reunion it IL 0 1 harmon sony bishop ictor 0 an lic from u journal J D discussion on tures elder elders A brinkerhoff brInker hotT and X curti curtis there be on tho af thurs day the uth THIC DAT 0 PROGRAM of customs of saloam ana awner iner loans abinadi olion olson boas bo nir henry held iteld Attract letis elder eo sketch alrin alvin thayn musical select election ion J 1 wakefield Wake Held jr recitation john curtis CurtH there cilibe a concept for the most amiling 1 dint of missionary experience and tor for which a will be awarded prof hardy a choir L L at olson sony N ilia Drink brinkerhoff erhoff missionary lite of filfly year ago john dunn MM mrs J D Kili jack jr atlo Ut 05 lo I 1 L 11 II Il eynolds imi roni itu pee peeches cues songs eon sui ul recitation a are ro to follow it is expected that all eljer of I 1 E emery wery stake who have ever been on a icib iton ion will eel feel interested to get together and renew the spirit of the work in which they were once actively engaged their laniea are also invited |