Show FOIL BOYS AND GOOD STORIES FOR OUR JUNIOR READERS ara k st 1 l to tir tile quartz Mill mat mint 1 I r 1 I lit Y am II 11 lit iti I 1 an A its b ts ris ri IL 46 about al ut th if ad so I 1 1 r et w I 1 illel tell ml lefft utti little miss butr t discovered a tuffet ahki never ver occurred to the this rc rem list t ue us A acts a 8 tae m june ja and joint about beonda 0 bif w nd to to cat like ako tko th bet boa of tt a HT diot w wow wiry and id I 1 haxen kno liess to say y it 11 swe the be people grow tat t as it th the soot 01 ol brim limm ly tho til tody lady not oah ives 1 I thu he affet I 1 but tit not oa on it U wt willisM neal br her and nd babbled As iway always as les Whit to ilc and am dragon d k I 1 spar t ad ground am nd avis load A ibets amy y ciless ht to do 0 o 1 if M ride tor for so she he A harble 11 that breist fr fear to hw her A hillab was w sitting beauta her anil near nr to her lilly thir this creature S all id lam I 1 to anessi ly vu vow lit tn to ou am I 1 in ow n nl iiii UMI that I 1 did not Aili sir my hit hat I 1 91 bow to you haugh 1 to tu 1 if lie wit wait so 0 o III ut at cape H that he h lost mil all tile settee nf nt propriety ami krew crew 0 inept set he h clum chummily mily 1 dept hiept in her plate aich in I 1 III this cullous error c cc mi loti listed lir her terror she and growing 1 imler not only olly aft I 1 11 fret but dolt dealt him a buffet 1 M hith doubled him up in 1 I faller knot it should be that at this he was 11 ire 1 cried I 1 have tested you rous no liba doubt of lit 11 lour our fists like a truncheon you re to in my luncheons mar all hat that she he anas anine sered reil get out of iff I 1 and the moral 1 in thisbe this be it madam or anle 1111 to he horn you ft to sal lau lots are oily abburi absurd when rou you ket get in the curd iju hut t our ell tv rude lien 3 ou tet get I 1 in the hey her guy G NA etmore emore Ct errye frrank a I 1 bissit to lite quartz aint A few das da atter after arai i in a visit to the mine his father took him through the large quartz mill where the ore was cr and the gold separated from the rock IF rank had often stood out elde aide listening to the roar of the machinery but now that he was shut in with the noises he found it much louder than he had expected he ile could hardly I 1 hear bear bla his own voice and could not ratch tell half halt hat his father aid sald although though be tried hard to do so 0 o they went first to where the ore waa was emptied from the cars into a lare large bin with a slanting floor from there it slid into the rock crumber a machine with to two great iron jaw chii 0 opened and hut shut breaking the large lumps of ore into small 1 I feces it was fascinating to watch this machine chew rocks As frank said it looked exactly like the mouth of a hungry crocodile next ext they went up sederal flights of stairs to an immense bin where the broken ore was stored and from whence it was slowly fed to the stamps pounding away below the stamps were heavy iron barn hammers mers fastened fattened to an upright iron rod which worked up and down in an iron frame each fach tramp weighed over six hundred pounds and eight or ten of the them m going at once made the building shake as a ms ou may well suppose little streams trea of water ater ran under the stamps washing ashing out the finel crushed ore anil ann carrying it to gently sloping copper plates covered with quicksilver pranks father explained tbt the aul quick c k ilver caught and ho be I 1 the gold that tha t was washed oer it lt but allowed the dirt to wash away this dirt however was too precious to lose tor for it contained a good deal of go sold lit combined with other minerals it was therefore dried put into sacks L and bent sent away to go through other processes by w bich the gold was obtained As it was now nearly time to quit work fur for the da the tile stamps were stopped and the M of gold and quicksilver railed called amalgam was scraped from the plates into small canvas bags ani an i taken to the amalgamation room frank hollowed toll lol owed loed to see what was done with it and fou found nil that the bags age were pressed until the tree it mercury oozed out the amalgam aa was then heated and the quicksilver driven off in the form of vapor and here it at t la last t they had the eleslie gold tor for which men aid machinery had labored so long iran I ran was gly glyn n a tiny bit of the pure glittering metal and also a piece of amalgam for bis his cabinet nina C kyle U I 1 at 1 if lor PI L teddy dear called mamma yee in replied teddy he lie was wa busy over his book on the cool shaded plana piazza and it was a warm arm augast afternoon 1 I 1 want you to take Is motor ictor down to the river for lof a bath the dog Is so hot in the he t cellar I 1 dut but mother at sundown I 1 IN ho promised to play th the hose for patrick at 1 sundown d 11 1 1 I did eau sad teddy a EL little smile re placing the sober pucker over his nose dear me mamma he remarked pulling on Ls cap what a thing it Is 9 to be man of the house 1 vee yes returned mamma it Is a beautiful thing to be a cheerful cLe erful little man of 0 the house presently the she closed the big st bernard and he be came carne leaping toward teddy eagerness in la every movement moi ement for his freedom usually meant a bath these hot days corn comte on Is if let called teddy you re more bother than yon you re worth old I allow he ke declared fandli fondling abin him just think of me a two legged bov waiting upon you is tour legged dott aimor cald net tat thuinli about it t but be he licked A 4 i t L 0 I 1 abbi k t 1 4 band hand I lovingly ise if it te acknowledge the lb 4 condescension and they start stared itil off 0 IL 11 beemis to me baid mamma to ilet il aly ty when hen they mt flat on the porch later Is ith fancy ork that and ancl N letor have been B long time 4 they re cot femin Ovil th P minute maw I 1 ana RA I 1 bet mett pt lr G ua through the tb creeper 4 11 n ted how flushed you looke charee charite Is jetties that it right ind did he have mite a wo ats bvm im dear old did be cried led excitedly then his round faia fa sobered mamma h ht aid said how tranney dy ay things abin if I 1 bad haill not pr to play the tb bow why you see we mamma be he continued breski brea klag ag off and PlIM thin the heart or of his hi story when we X oc bolh I 1 to the water then there was oli A father to swim im or aisi staw hit lot 0 alch had mown into the t river iles lie 0 0 uld old and feeble I 1 lit tt it ent 1116 hould b be swIn billiK for his bat hat ao u wildly with all nix tits clothes cloan on 0 bo I 1 ent seat N letor in tor for it and ad what bat do ou e thinkie hink I 1 I 1 ahal tried betty lie ile never went near it but straight for patrick a rather father jweid and brought him to hore shore k thine thing too for the old man bad had gives given rut 1 I pulled him ashore dripping and then away went dictor after the hat and i rought that the thi buor tallos bb it bud HU lulled cl a ten dollar bill 1111 flunk t under tho the leather lie bad had drawn it I 1 from the bank and thought he had hall lot lost it and they re go so poor lie cried over the mone monea lc a and al I 1 I 1 took him home and bli lie lck old wit cited over him oh I 1 toll fell you oll man a wet aimel he ile finished winking winkl nit oddly himself hlin telf mamma and detty both loi locked ked aug fug tie aleo also and ted laid said come here Is lc le till tilt I 1 apologize you darling s 0 old lit dog I 1 am proud to wait on you 1 lit and he burled buried his arms in the damp fur of the noble fellows shaggy neck neek lillian liman 4 price fl 11 hawry r as 1 I lie I 1 ih many pictures of admiral dewey 1 I have liars been published in the last fuw few months but very few of them show much of the man mart aa as he be Is I 1 mot most of them how allow a rather looy long narrow face with high slightly receding forehead and roman nose As a it matter of fact there ie Is more breadth and lesy length to the face ahn these pictures show it Is a square fre fore and its most prominent feature Is the under jaw the eyes are wide apart and act set well back under h heavy brows rows the forehead is high broad and bold the t nose Is 1 large and the mouth generous but firm 1 most of ilia pictures pic turee show more of a 11 mustache he than the admiral wor last summer and hair are aloe almost white the complexion 1 li dark as are the eyes lie ile Is not a big man 4 physically but he Is astonishingly quick in his actions ills shoulders are so square and bla his broic lark back so straight I 1 that many a man much lia anfor might envy him them ills ilia step Is A quick and springy ble his whole bearing Is one of alertness alert neB and readiness I 1 ills mental process A lightning like he lie thinks like a flab flatts and goes all I 1 around bis his subject lc jr lees less time than many a man would take to study one side yet he does not jump to conclusion conclusions 4 clu cl and there are times when he I 1 Is very deliberate he lie rea reason sont to bis his f determinations and wh whatever ateer his personal preferences or beliefs or feelings he can dissociate them entirely from his work hie ilia logic machine Is absolutely sound and in the finest order it turns out conclusions with ath mathematical precision the sharpest critic he bag has ran can hardly lad find one point in the long record made in manila bay where becan put down hie his finger and say there dewy dewey made a mistake the admiral hae has a peculiar friek of thinking out loud load and sometimes when he Is pondering pome some subject he be will argue with any man whom chance chalice sends along on such oceal IVUS abe he aa III as bin bit definite contusion I 1 r elde side of the question happens pens J to be uppermost in his mind and stand ready to defend it with considerable consIder aide A I 1 warmth lil mcclure clure a magazine kats by I 1 the I 1 it has otten often been remarked that dyll iced people tend to become a short sight ed this Is in loans and their vision Is mostly confined to short distances savage rai rat s 5 on the other 1 hand are generally gifted with remarkable alit keen sight mil ind few tribes are more I 1 noteworthy note in this respect than the ati rican bushmen Bu Dua ahmen limen whose eyes are veritable telescopes this power Is no V doubt a ise provision of nature tor for I 1 bushmen are a small race and if t they 4 were not able to see danger a long ay I 1 off they would be exterminated by their various enemies bether savages or other or wild beasts A traveler lk in south falca relates that while walking one day in company with a 51 q friendly dushman bushman the savage suddenly stopped and gazing the piam cried out there waa was a lon ahead rho he 4 traveler gazed long and earnestly into I 1 I 1 the direction indicated by the bush man but could tec not hipe 1 I nonsense he said theres nothing there and he went foward fo ward again with the dushman bushman following at hia his heels Is trembling and unwilling and I 1 stil tit that he cave see a allin presently the natlie a came to a 1 dead stop and refused to I 1 I 1 odge adge another 14 V inch tor for this time be he could see a lioness with cubs a fact N alch made the animal more dangerous than thin ewer but the eur european who could see no I 1 lioness MUC rauco I 1 IMS less her 4 cubs d ahead fter after ang IV a quart r of or a mile ralle however fe te could id 4 dimly make out an n aa toone ax arois ILA lh horizon still q fill doub c n hat it could be tbt th object which t abe b a B bub it s ba man said be he had hid aaen he cout ind ita ip r advance and at al list he bit wa able ajeto jo distinguish 4 liblit ll li ont Olit I 1 alb k aw b r trond br her balking loi turU lulAi tax ir 4 the fil i tt t a 14 Is lw i i 1 11 |