Show I 1 af SOUTHWEST NORTHWEST NOTES A ha has been established at Llam Uk milton liton fi hendon county jy tod and dwighton hamilton postmaster there la to little likelihood ablit the mine and dd milter smelter and od op a tore will attack the validity of eight hour law for colorado ex senator illais of blk butte buttes 11 jo YO i ha has just supervising the ei hearing staring of over of his flock gook of hep t that the clip wa good th the trial of mr WM jane fish moorad of having 1 murdered her husband gay y lord k hb lob by binm hil he be slept has ended in her at t georgetown colo the man manitou itou park hotel and CasIn cs at t colorado herlof cola colo which were vers to have opened for the awn joao tat hare have been detroyd by fire the lou 1043 Is estimated at Ss IDnia brown a drea amaker and fireman percy and hall bell were severely burned nt at leadville colo aa as the re fe alt suit of a gas olele explosion exploit on la in bilu browns place of business buil neu the copper excitement la is bell 03 3 to made itself felt in herida Is rids IlUm boll county being the acene us of operation operations and where new now develop dir elop ments promise good shingi it mrs emma J smith postmaster poat maiter at dallas col coin haa has bet bein n arrested on the charge of defalcation her ifer amul ti are abort short the defalcation covers a period of nine years dennis thorna thomas colored waa was shot at rock spring wyo 6 on the esth lait fast by gaorge landera Lan aers a colored falmer ml and haa has since succumbed to bisin hi in juries Ji irlee landera landers escaped ca but his ap ture lure la to certain the bg big copper mines in moesta montina 7 h are down for dividends this thia month 7 alio anaconda paid aid a aerol semi annual dividend of on the 3rd making V OTSO 50 to date the boston A will pay a dividend of on the making 1050 1650 this year and in all from train the atari start governor richards ni chard of IN coming and as so owners of the osceola mine hare have purchased ked the olire olive D claim which adjoin the Osceola and kuile felm mine mines la in the battle lake district development work on the osceola and olire olive D claims will be commenced as oon soon as the season opens A an a unknown man was killed sty 14 near baua station wyo on the union un ion pacific by being struck by the engine eng tug ine ina of fat fast t freight no sl 21 the man lad apparently parent ly been alee the track There was ivas nothing on ills his genoa per souto to disclose hia his identity the bod was turned over to the authorities of car bon ben county tor for burial commissioner 11 hermann Ifer ruann of the gen iril land hae has directed the TI don of all the forest groves in colorado except the south platte reserve to wan warn threatened invaders unit found within the limits of any of the reserves would be put oil and the herders subjected to full penalty of the law for trespass the wool sales at rawlins wyo for the past week have agg aggregated pounds as against pounds for the preceding week yeek bone boma I 1 of the larger individual sales are aa as follows illiam daley pound pounds IL A and myron smiley S 10 pounds johnson co pounds A sl ell pounds I 1 W II 11 cowan a prominent stockman of saratoga wyo died after aa an illness of at ten days the immediate cause of death being peritonitis the deceased was 40 years of age he bu has 1 been connected the livestock live stock business of ince since 1884 1894 he ile I 1 was a member of rawlins command Comra ana cry ry knight a templar and leave leaves a wife and three children six hundred and five fire thousand pounds of wool wools have been old sold by local sheep men at rawlins 1 yo dar las ing the past week a at t price prices racking t from 10 to I 1 13 centa cents per pound the practice of consigning the product to 1 boston and other eastern house houses for storage and subsequent sale li Is being I 1 abandoned the producer producers preferring I 1 the certainty of a direct bale sale to tie uncertainty of future prices A beet sugar ar factory I 1 Is to be erected erect eI bear tear salinas Sall nas santa clara clam county cai by clans costing ij SOO it will be an immense plant comara ing tons of heets beets per dey day durfin during g tho the operating season it will RI turn turm out forty fire tons of sugar oer arery T twenty four hour and distribute per dar to supply the demand of the factory it will take acres of af land planted in this roge tAble A J goracke aged 3 32 was drowned in the platte river near fo fort rt steele wyo the dinst he WK was engaged in pulling ties from the river and it Is I 1 supposed slipped and was swept avray by the swift current the body has not a t been recovered while governor gO protests against the war in the philippine as being un american and in furtherance furth enaco of a policy that he believes Is a to the republic luelf he be decline declines to t make in demaid upon the government for the return of the be volunteers teera captain 11 II 0 mckerson agent at the IN ind river is arg lo 10 ro ao to toll with ten rep of shoshones aej alepa hoes for the purpose of negotiating a lety treaty with the government th the arsent treaty expiring clistear alis year the flooded are area of it tte Leady Tea dUI lit basin Is now practically eight largo large mines which closed dowa down in aw on account of the strike vill re a ame operations by june W Is to furnishing nish lair employment to 1 00 au I 1 producing about ton tons of oro am da g I 1 W |