Show TO there rill will be an examination of teR teacher chers for carbon county countr held at castle gate utah on wednesday thursday and friday may lay and 1899 all person persons expecting to tetch in carbon county the coming coining yer year should provide themselves with a certificate 11 0 county sup schools Sc boole some twenty one of the people of price surprised liss mary emper tuesday ee ang first meeting at the house of mr lars fraad frand sen and then doln to tuo the borne home of the boung 1 lady in a crowd those int in tho it a party were mareea atena alame robb edith lae pate filen robb gertrude miller chats mathis susie kirkman chislo lund siena peter son anna anderson georgia shiner and ind mrs ed fit stewart I 1 11 re lars franden frandsen and Bless rs kd ed Sul S enart wArt amest peton bert priel arthur Hunten nJohn burgee burgess david an datson dean and verne care the charling cha bosneag as elated slated by her mother lemed dainty refreshments and altogether the evening wae was most jai delightfully I 1 by everyone ciul MR action was laet last week begun la in the united states district nourt at salt lake city by agent stidger of the interior department against A a ballinger and price trad ing company to recover 68 the value of cedar posta posts alleged to have bave been cut ly ty the defendants during the past two yeara JV ra off government goi em land this Is I 1 the first action ever brought against any resided at of barbon county and anti mr I iliin g cr ef thinks it t the pile rork work of of big his enemies ife ile will bo represented in court by one of the strong cot law arms in the state and nd sa ay a ho he can establish bis his innone ce to the satisfaction ut of any judge or lury jury |