Show for the annual conie ution of the Tra travelers elers protective association at louis Loul sille ille K MS Is igla tc it letb a rate of ODO one lowest first class regular fare plus 2 is authorized from ull points on oil the kio gran G ramie tie western lallia to louisville ami anti will be sold for tir trains altis no 20 1 2 aud suit no I 1 of aia aud nud lath onia on and wi will 11 by be limited to three daas da a iu in both dim directions egions pas sage must commence with date of execution regular iron clad sign signature a and witness form of ticket 1 la eluding exchange order ua on chicago or st louis will bo be auml on 00 this occasion ahe final limit ill be MA ath and anti mill nill be honored fur for return aa kalug lug louis louisville 1110 up to aud and including to r mai 20 it IL R mcdonald agent 0 price utah location notices Dot ices for both lode and placer claims kept in stock and for far sale at the abote office u L 31 ciu gu t k luct taint anavit magaus a expectorant ie is ft a cure care for cough cold I 1 of the 1 luuga and end acute asthma fo eale sade at t lautry county Uw company a i tores ores use magnus magnum ExpeL t for pl enfant prompt and certain reller relief ar coughs and cold colds fall stock of atu an I 1 guns including colt goods merlin marlin rifles and remington abot gum kept la in stock by the J U wetter lumber company price utah it trill will be to the ot anyone who desires goi go goob I underclothing for grown people or children to come and our remnant fiso nels we bave jaet just received a whole case 4 it chocta cc nothing to exemine ezon loo but yon you rill will s arely u buy emera einer county lur laer cantile company c olli pT 4 As the am american eagle 4 rexa that greatest of birds passes passe s t the lie fowls of the air air in ili its majestic journey skyward 4 4 so do we leave behind our competitors in the tile mercantile business but 4 that is neither here nor there what we want to impress upon your mind is that 4 4 4 we have tins this spring brought to price the 4 largest and best selected line of new and fashionable goods it has ever been your fortune to run up tip against we are showing some beautiful things in NEW DRESS GOODS millinery and fact in every depatt department ment everything here is new and was bought from first hands we leave it to our army of customers as to whether vh ether we re ever undersold under tinder sold 4 4 PRICE TRADING COMPANY 4 4 current time table 0 0 cr 11 ear T Q katt LAV ava tz AOU 0 to n effect january 1 1 1899 FOB FOEL PRICK PRICE utan GOING WEST N no 1 1 1 mull rall I 1 ly a J 1 a in for brorn it lake ogden an n I 1 the thee v set t ho no J ly 6 61 1100 in for provo atit kofl and jbf lb lacot t cot U NO EAST so i calcin ChI cair 1 limited cited lv 11 alp in n 9 or Grand Jun junction c tion dearer ant adlet asat no 4 Atla title express LT lr 12 1 17 a w for 0 ran I 1 IJ J it littlon et io ik 0 evev and nil the ett east SAN AND ax JER kanth ko Sol rt thistle J junction unction dally at 1014 rn I 1 rail point in bin ban lele leto and nd detler befler 0 U S C trillion ofner genral 8 3 11 II III 11 ill OU 00 K Mansir er V r A u P AT A amana reat id it I 1 mi 1 1 L ju ut best lost dining gar car service Ser ELEGANT EQUIPMENT chair cars free I 1 9 TWO FAST TRAINS JAILY DAILY the r 1 he cullen is is salt lake s best medium priced hotel try T ry it the next time you go 13 30 up S C EWING proprietor rateb TWO TUO 1 MY AND robert mckune 11 alth ITI I TI NIN tolt american mills company Coin pany of chicago I uren 1 tan for kine lne 31 1 alb cl z nw ew lt alir au t rum r mm clr fowl by da to unto UIs tia I 1 la in pants Sui tings overcoats fancy vests akum tK um cau sal illo 11 MU iona duj u 1 td in the h LI lla W WC C RICHMAN MD PHYSICIAN and SURGEON PRICE 1 UTAH kukul will answer call calls from burrt inaina jn allne bottino sot oil tino CO 0 0 AND RETAIL liquors wines beer cigars and alcohol saen so en year old stonewalls WALL 14 HISKEY U 93 PER CENT PURE ALCOt ALCOHOL ioL large stock to select from Special attention to mail order orders t loeck urah J C WEETER LUMBER CO wholesale and retail hunter lumber yard with a full line of sash doors screen doors building panel Moul dings casings blocks Rc redwood dood and pine finish build irb ers hardware glass wire cloth aroi roofing nails barl bart ware combination lath fence also a complete line of buggies spring wagon and u i ill handle all kinds linds of farm 1 arm implement we represent the coop co op wagon and machine co of salt laic lake if in need of ana an thing in our line call and eee see us or write it will be to 3 aur r interest to ilo do ao bo J C WEETER LUMBER CO N arm SALOON NICHOLS EGAN proprietors FINEST LARGEST AND BEST LINE OF old whiskies brandies alcohol and cigars IN CASTLE VALLEY special attention given to the gallou and uve ave rallon gallon trade on which we MAIL pedal price come in and ret get prices which are guaranteed to be right THE OASIS SALOON HERBERT al MILLBURN proprietor i ins r INE I 1 OP good whiskies liquors beers and cigars in castle valley valle JUG JUC AND BOTTLE TRADE A specially pool tables and all appointments of a first class house E L er embody body made wel welcome coine E W A 11 t t 0 r n e y at la L a wil w A NT LT UI ill one of the firm A will ill attend each term of district court in arice price water and mining alining litigation a specialty MARK P BRAFFET ATTORN AIT 0 tab AI LAW PRICE UTAH on ICE MAIX 1 STRUT it u W VITALITY 2111 rit I 1 RAND LOST MANHOOD cures came impotency might emissions Enn and wasting all effects of self abuse or excess and indie india cf P idoni 10 lo mallder Mil ill lder lr ihring Il ring the iker bink clow glow to pale p ilc cheek cheeks and yjih restores rea reu torea tores the fire of south ft 4 by mall mail row per lex 0 boxes boves for with a written guaran tec co to io curo cura or abo loucy MEDICAL CO clinton ClInto A jackcon sta CHICAGO ILL roe bt nil itile I 1 rice lb t t a Is R A KIRKER M ei E i examines and R deports on mines td carbou properties lee in EM east em ern utah and western colaramo po aadrew MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY TO KANSAS crr cm ir ST LOUIS and nd all sal point points east and ad bouth FREE reclining chair canto car to nolder bOlders of regular tickets far for all m fold folder erv and information Inform stiOn regarding tickets tic keto berth bertha etc call on or write H C 1 I p T A st louie louis alo IL J T P A 11 HB li salt lake lt johp utah J W WARF attorney at law and notary public 1 UTAH special attention given to collections office west 0 the I 1 hotel matah |