Show THREE BATTLES FOUGHT A rather cuvir lr bur for rat tb the a la IN tt the philippine new york may 8 the following cablegram from train manila Is I 1 printed hen hors manila may 4 a 30 p in three doree battle battles at aa as many different bolota were fought today by the troop troops under general otic otis in one on of them general Pu puriton Fot titon toa the gallant corn oom mander raft Diler ot of the WM wom rounded wounded in the hek head while leading big hi mon in a charge lolabel co lovel hummer summers in of six tx battalion battalions of lawtons Law tona division div lalon moved moed northward Dort hward toward bin son I 1 reman ornando jo and barged upon the enemy in strong in trench ments driving them before him with corald erable loss la in colonel summers dirl sion was in bloden three run guns of the utah battery ana and portion portions of the tho MInoe aota and regiment regiments the fire of the utah guns runa was unusually effective massin waa was taken to n short order and the rebel rebels were driven toor toward ban san mildro chere were buk few low on the american aide at the ame same time MacAr Mao Arthura ditl lon moved 1 forward capturing san toma and driving the rebel rebels to with in four milea of san fernando general wheaton leading the left column columns made a brilliant charge but with a lou lots of several oft leers and men wounded in thia this charge general Irn funston atoo received his hi wound the most peculiarly and anti surprising battle battlo of the day however waa was fought in the unexpected quarter of malate aduth of manila the into routs have been gathering then there in force and a round 2000 of their number have been increasing in the lait last few daya days until they now have men southeast of manila |