Show catti r AU AND 1 tt cattle holed tr with desirable dee rahle droves selling I 1 boat loo bibber fancy 4 c ittle 0 00 ta a vo choice teen steers 41 73 ine 1118 jiam alum let JV Oat U lockers and feeder ad 13 X 1417 73 3 loll 1011 t 25 23 cowe cows aud bei heifer fets U 10 l aut OU western fed led ste teca erio I 1 I 1 to texada fv 60 50 calvi caly fl 1007 13 alegs were weak and 10 2 cent cents lower F clr to IT t aa I 1 go 0 pack ing to lot lots 12 2 mixed b ff la 73 b heberts te berts f 87 it light 13 3 MJ SO 80 pigs maj CU OU trade I 1 11 I 1 lep sleep we was active at steady priam 1 lure inferior aar to prime sap i 1 r ma ron on I 1 tit yearling ft 1204 60 ewes owes ta 1 aa jap jambe fa 4 coas coal 10 1 0 receipts cattle 10 1 tv a heep sheep t court L coin oselles cue next manila ti miss mi annie anille barsun lifts LA M returned from a visit to tier her parents p irenta at cleo lind land the board ut of count c er 18 rott met its au peel caun this after n noon nn n fliche niro lre 1 it tile schools lait last friday after 1 lat hat one banot canot caminit i anil at the arico coin pau s in 1 the wj wa of late ami anti seasonable goods therea no need of looking urther for the knights of P ahlas 1090 at cattle castle luto late will hare an celt celebration bration on oil the eining enang of ar gitil acre III lie a datile and upper supper the count county commissi commissioners onera meet as a a X board of health tomorrow the time of the loani board was in allo al loning vyIng billa anti considering road su pert igors emera einar county mercantile company is liming a great reduction lalo sale tilla pitk wick goods haie been maikel in blown own to an astonishingly low price 10 latious tines C a son ou of pro lessor webb U abb count superintendent of is st pud in ill baiter BMW A utah volunteer artiller 3 now in 31 manilla anilla IV J tm tra traelic cling elin 9 insl eiger toga nant it for the ilio grande western wistern teft forwalt for dull lake i 3 ester dil iio lie was wall here a wees helping lic liing agent mcdon ad 1 I tonic tile discharged colored troopers hast mist 1 carlou carbou la Is one of the few levy pots pilots in utah tint that baa ham wit ni been il bitet to bj lica licato enow snow during the 1 pa tit icek eek toda tho dust at Is 13 and anti people are goida about with without oter coata or wraps professor Profet sor II 11 G ai ebb lias has resigned its steadier teacher of tle s lecial and anti ba has been succeeded b in miss liss maud higgins lalo into of colorado who Is higlin spoken of as a bit competent te lither aliss kate mill and wilina nelson Nc lon laughter sot of INI N lun a fuller father down froin from castle gate yes yest cula and anti are guests of their cx master me donal Do while in tit price chunh commissioner nelson etrue e true in toda to attend the spec special meeting of the tp board con eneil this afternoon the prin ciple bus ness to be transacted is the lie pilo inome it of road super igors county schools webb u hats bought the wade hotel at castle gate gives and will take charge of ibe the same blout lie the first of march b ile ie will imbro e and repair llie tile bouse house lutting it in first clas cla s wipe through gil out an exhibition of a chemical ore was giden in fronton front of town own yesterday after idoo be fore ore the town trustees and anti a large clowd of Inlet ested spectators the trustees did not think enough of the apparatus to m iniel est in two of them at 20 each george T holladay Hul laday was shot Ii the left arm while on the train going to salt lake one day dar last week his ills leigher fell from frain bis his poe pocket ket to the car door floor and was dis charf ibar ed his ills injuries arc are painful but not senous he lie Is expected here a da daj arthur J lee and Nat manager iager barron aronof of the gilson asphaltum com mauj arc are expected in tonight from the lite property of the company on the rese reservation ration bert who ila has been in investigating thle t gold fields forta fort rolles miles from vernal will be to ia price colonel J L pool poole came in III dij daj from the vernal countr coun tri where tie he has been for a couple of week weeks he ile thinks the gold strikes in the tile blue Moun lans ore tire all till that lias has been claimed for them and thai that with the ope altig of g thare will be a big rush in that direction 1 jackson a discharge troop trooper er of the ninth cavalry was pretty badly frozen sanda while aming in on oil the stage from fort duchesne Ou chesne the twenty 11 he e or thirty soldiers who were waiting here to take A iralu cast east got agaj the blockade bluck ade in colorado de detaining then thern s there was no mail fourdais for four dai up to tuesday from the ithe Ha gastonne kaston stonne account of the on enow ow blockades la ia colorado yesterday the ro morning orning train from the east at was as and still it looks As a if it was another tie up to the east the coldest weather of tho io in price was experienced I 1 the fore part of the week |