Show lint bus faund ilia open itier out of this country an all 1 3 is now on oil hie tile CAn adlon olde of tile line the tile people who ara flow now throwing gjud nt congressman hubert roberts will III be losing tossing tit 11 lila ilia direct direction ibn oon soon after the 10 lo ali of natell king or F orew jouita elect a united states senator in ten minute minutes ba I 1 withdrawing has lin a of a 4 81 1 I ow an as II 11 now look looks the tile rawlins opening the wilier wal ere of the uintah aaion for irrigation purposes broce ur oce loss lia beats added to lie tile indian bill and will ile como rome a law III ilet lillIng the which as practically all tendered cd him lait last monday lion alesce Th aldier liaa has shown lu to bo be a griat man a big mail tharo Is lail about wiT 1500 ln in ilia gets deml fund of caremn booti LOi iiii at it this line time against which thore ore nut out st doojin too Jin warr ints of about too the count Is now oil o 0 a cah cash biala detate brulor idill me tit ind dollar fur for tile of 1110 aiu kuolt gan gaill one olle of pearces halli ilia a mountain how lIzer ohp arts froin from lio moi ghe onu one tile bilat ilia lie amit big gold anti copper will oil be in lit llo A erval countr cop ler per and anti gold ie Is aliat the world ants R astern utah has as a will III lu be all bj by saia som jin ance ce W a it ulal standard joker he lie said in a meeth g in lit kent uk hint that william Wil linin Jen jenkings tings adrjan rj an was prospering under n gold standard tum tard A til 01 bum blow lins ins alo also pro pros arcil if a inan ian tan coin nione li liol lic tile inu vim pure ipp tr tilt ru la Is i bill 11 before hie tile lubria lure requiring ant junta to publish in some newspaper of general circulation in u ibo the counte ile the of their meetings regular anti special tills this ie Is a good mca ineas ure und and cue one that should bo be passed tle the taxpayers haq a brigit to know iu its hueil what it g going oil in the of appropriations A aich are ofle in a ines sure coi co crid cred cri d up jp there should aleo also in bt a law the count treasurer auditor aud clerk to mako betat statements not to the coutie count commissioners alone but tn tit the pub lie uneit r the pre lent liw how lennual statements are it iii de lc if ll 11 in many the pleasure sure of the officials |