Show NEWS I 1 sum fluty the coo cookrell grell approved ft a treaty tresty of extradition with the th united states IV 11 IL miller and A young man named burns were killed la in a pistol duel duet near vivian I 1 T 1 june james callagher en fn ex pugilist was 1 hot and killed by mike clyan la in a saloon 1 row in san k beno don mattes latles kotney 2 Mx macos cos to the united slate states died at thi december 10 30 the coldest weather experienced 1 is winter la Is general bout the northern michigan Pm isula bi itch excitement has been created in the tile orient over a treaty tresty alleged to hire been made between russia and china chica the french of the corniea denies the report that PreT prettus fus baa has cm am barbed barked from cayenne on LI his return to 1 ranee rance comte Eater esterhazy hazy harbu in rotterdam Kotter dam bince since Ilie december cember ilia departure for amen to I 1 regarded ai imminent early thia this year emperor nicholas will visit emperor king hing francia francis joseph of austro hungary and king of italy the gold shipments from australia for the year 1809 have amounted to the shipments to amer increased by edward fay a bartender haa has been convicted at juneau alaska of the murder of rowan and deputy marhal far hal john sergeant mike crowley retired of new now york city haa has been ask baked d by mr mcculluogh to go to havana and or baglie is detective force the cabinet haa has decided to open a credit of 3 for the repatriation of spanish soldiers in cuba and ue the philippines it la Is understood that the united states treasury trea aury will fix the value of the contente cen tente in II arana at 84 4 62 and of the spanish dollar at CO GO centa cents the standing committe of the diocese of debraska Ie braska has decided to too refue refuse if its canonical consent to the consecration of dr morrison Morr lson aa as bishop of iowa st petersburg eremya pub lishes an article not only warmly ad treating the panama scheme but fill ed with bitter dislike of th tb united state states marqula marquis ito expresses lave ave t fears as to the future of the empire ile saya says there la Is no man in china who can rescue her from the impending collapse advices from quito aay say this the force forces under general Sagasta bave com plemely cut up the on the Pe re rulan ruvian frontier who are thus unable to adrance further the governor go of french guiana de do riles that there has bile been any ir lion tion of the severe treatment of dreyfus or that the french haa has I 1 ordered his return to france A serious revolution la Is now proceed arg irgin in the republic of 13 bolivia the transit ant trade by way of mollands mollendo Mol lendo lando peru la Is interrupted ecuador is much disturbed but peru Is tranquil Llen Lien tennant colonel W WP P ball 11 who I 1 has hu for u beveral yeas been adjutant gen eral of the department of the gulf has abeen been assi assigned gued to a almela position in the department of puerto rico bartor red rock mountain according ace to a dispatch from of switzerland canton of ticino haa has fallien cn into Rf riolo destroying a hotel and several er housea three pern persons were bear rear admiral dewey v a the star stars and stripes known as well wall as possible Is sibIla in chinese waters hence the th 6 cutter mcculloch will show allow h flag in an many chiotras ChIn trAs po arts aa r ible 1 an order has been issued by the sec detary tary of war revoking the recent order directing major henry P birmingham to precede from NN asb abbington ington D C to fort douglas to fill 1 aba position of gur geon at the later place A new two atory story building ball ding in course of erection at S st louis collapsed colla pd bury ing two 0 workmen who we were instantly killed luke tully Is tho the name of one of the workmen but the identity of the other la in not known now york 0 police headquarters acra aay say that the captain of the detective bureau ba has received an anonymous anonym oua let ter suiting stating that the man for whom he waa was looking in connection with th the adams case was about to leave town track huber one ne of the proprietors of te the catawba na ina company toledo to ledo 0 left the supper table and shot airi elf self to death in the bath roco io boap parent ps rent motive ilo was oze odthe of the largest wine dialers in the united otates ot ates bishop IN E I 1 mclaren of the diocese of chicago will accept the mis alon sion to puerto t 0 alco to investigate the abeld there for pro promotion mcdon of the epis copal church interests as delegated dele gateA to him by the episcopal conference in washington lindus cody a wealthy real estate dealer of cleveland 0 wha la in an en thusia supporter of president simi simp 80 on of the christian alliance ance will d de part for cuba jan 9 for the iu am of u starting L llalon mission work la in the 1 island in behalf of the alliance judae nathan goff of west states that he in not or does bot intend to be a canul candidate date before the coming legislature y for led states senator walte alte r sr ar father fath crof of the tennessee en soldier who was recent recently so rait ted for killing glenry hild at san Fran cleao ais in stevenson ua with his son thir aier which is aa aid to 11 ft grief nef and superintendent of ik essm iS Sm catt st |