Show special bargain for newsy newspaper aper readers i THE semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY ST LOUIS REPUBLIC ri a n d the EASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE BOTH ONE YEAR FOR ONE DOLLAR she semi weekly bif PUBLIC Is I 1 eo so well known tha t about all that 1 I to euro it i to call attento a to it it ie Is the beet best general newspaper of iti its clatis published and anti lias has a larger circulation now than an a other new news U dekl or semi weeke it i ha ins command lint of all H tho ilia great sources of new news from the be dally daily and aunill bet but also receives tile special telegraphic sert irv of tile new vew vol voik it li liebali erali anti ml new york journ journal the telegraphic and tice of THE TUR anil unit tho the paper papers mentioned liae haie bet bein equalled equal li led 1 I in tb histon of journalism in lit tit s or tit oilier country it ha ins so 0 o ninn as u a laws nr r I 1 lint no no other pap r call claim to be ila lie its tile equal i rholo hole diehi of new news is cohered thoroughly the special fLa features tures and anti illustrations arc are 3 8 the but noted writers contribute eon tribute to its columns than an oilier other american ine it caper ie is published ij to 10 meet tile wants of that large ilasa class of readers who bavo bave not the opportunity tunit or cannot to read resi a dalla p clr by special arrangement made for a limited time only friends friend of ad advocate acate ocate will be gt given en an opportunity to take tale advantage of tins this liberal proposition remember the offer THE tiie A WL wah K REI 16 pages a weel and THE TIIE EASTERN UTAH AD ADVOCATE both one ear ONE DOLLAR aart TRAIN it t HILLY to ruic franr 1614 great rock island route 96 denver 0 9 50 30 p in leavas radio 7 07 ir ill arrives lincoln 1 ill it 1 to ill oni Ot ditha aha 4 13 3 p ill ue U D e 9 At molar olues 9 39 31 p in davenport ven port V P to peoria it 11 ni chicago to oft 00 a in through a att and 1 chair can cars to chit a t W I 1 ll 11 ell leaves deliver z t 14 ixta leaved coltrain Co lorain Jn J 1 0 to hi ui arrives Arr iree 7 au a ia to hanham city 9 11 a in bt lonis via dabah by 4 HI 11 p tit bt joseph ito 40 ot in to lincton Linc tin 6 43 p in 8 boa i council ion 10 in through lespere lee leo pere pers CA Cul orlo lorado to st loan louis via it y for fall and 1 folders giving bitne of thee the e brolus tr lii write KL FE MALLEOD JNO A U P A ka 0 P A chicago ja FIRTH general agent denver the D R G railroad Rai troad sesle line of the V orid 11 tb jonir 1 line 1 14 h v of railway bam annd 0 I 1 dju juntti nc n denver ticket tickets wem via 1 either lino into two daily fut n it 11 woop sri E miatta DO 1 31 and nd ALI hart boft I 1 1844 train no x if artoe O 0 0 ut U VI p m arrive at 1 5 12 an i cui colorado orado c za i am IN ner 8 tr train V no tm 4 price poe nt rt 12 I 1 IT 17 a in arrive aprin sprin a 00 a mt ma pueblo i 4 1 I aln colorado Sp saringol 6 ti 46 p 10 denver 11 ZM made at t ni bim a nd lenrer 11 h all ill fin lino ret cost RIO pointe ay kotchm chair ean care end nd I 1 x tar on til i t train rains 11 1 S H X G and m m v n r t table trip aud oa orsio ijo th the the hit to cripple creek colorato Col oralo arat rold gold camp I 1 rain no 2 leavi leavinia nir price 12 59 arrives at crook morn Borai nor air at 9 AO ra aa 14 8 9 9 0 f P a AT T A color clr U F r NEN nevina INI it M CUSHING general atrit nt tray t laps aft act boulat salt lake utah current time table GREA SALT LT F raul in january janitor J 1899 FOR utan not no l mall lr lv 4 36 a tn for PrOTo falt salt mite and nat lb beet coat t W rl limited lr ly 5 aop nl arl uro 11 dalt lake ake ogden and I 1 NO faar no 0 let hustled lr LT for ju thin denver and atiat t 04 press tv r I 1 IT m for a J N na tift don anit and the he ea call s I 1 AND no I 1 lacre irtle junction dally at I 1 10 01 a la ft fur for all point la in ban pete pate and 1 I 1 D S C INDOR canarr a 8 11 N I 1 to U bov 00 amitia moi banarer ir A U V e at T A I 1 t wa v LOST alt 09 aa MANHOOD cures night and muting diseases ail effects of self 9 abuse fsr or excess and indie j 11 aft V blood bi tilder darlne the pink glow to rack restore restores the fre of youth dy by mail 11 zoc Z oc 0 per bo 0 boxes for or 1 1 with n written ritten ty endran teg to tar cairo or tho the st money ioneY MEDICAL CO clintona jackson ats CHICAGO ILL rr r r soil by AVII atecia Me Clur rrie t lt th t h J W WARF attorney at law and notary public ruice artir special attention g given i iven lo 10 coit c ions office east of the ila nto ft to ink 1 I P ion company any postin eter nater in emera graun or carbon counte count li bis lits ts author or lly to receipt for BI at to theadys ite r kt U a dollar a 3 car ear you should be lu to 3 our neighbors mp 1 g 11 0 dieu blot M a t S 0 MM ik 4 k te childe 1 COAT flat fl Mt r 4 6 a rr am if ak 0 A 1740 C 5 OW d au ruai PI BATED P az 11 it U vr maenne expectorant ie Is it axt for fonsbe cold lit 1 grippe n of the lung and acute mathina for ale sale at aitio ry county mercantile company storm ute use ling tins for plea sant nt prompt and relief for coughs aud 0 cold ids maille 11 pit 1 List lotion loon care curtis magic 1 pile lotion a positive cure for piles tings larna barns solids swelling invaluable W in diphtheria dip theria for ale sale at emery county mercantile company tore tores meric magic pile lotion curee cures plies either external or intern internal in n from front 4 to 5 day days acme aetna hoera syrup lo 10 ta iselt and surest rei nely in th borla world for bolera t Infant nin cholea 4 in orbus ne bil billaroza larza col c an 1 nil tronnie e the towel for aale at t emey etney eme y county bler mercantile centile compit mys eta acme kolers syrup can caree colic accle Cli olera syrna chree the th e rough allder lady a ball has at 1 00 alej an jnet wt thu the abina all who sea them imire edmire them dont wait but rot got them lafore la fore ahry are gone emery county mercantile co tops ioeny itly ball pro grani and in fact all fancy ty printed 1 at tit TUB 11 adao CATIC office new atack tolled to t from THE tile ha received a large tock of stationery and new print papers and sud is prep tred to furnish anything in the job print log loi liuo line on bort notice and at it suit salt luke like ati bucce it will ill be to the interest ot adynne who mho ami underclothing for grown people or t hildret to come and isrul reni outing flannels 11 1 l re a whole coolie it wt is to ex online ant you trill ill aurely tiny emery chanty bercaw little cot noy I 1 on ott YI ti oa ott fostr elx six atres of haild p mirll arit under jer lion tion at six pitres titres n act ad ui 1 tile lonn also a fine lot in lit fall vail n eddrew IL 11 U W chocklet Croc kill kLEt lne utah fall etoch ot t at mn lint 1 gnu guns lilt in ling quit al marlin riffs and remington toa i kept in st stock K ic b ilia J C lutat r dilce utah our selection aeh ul ut lugii 1 livar rr thee oft we Titu luil licit ibe the opinion of all the beat prices r apt trout 43 arnts f nt to ta ti 75 73 to th vi M alery county mt doll dolls in one coot 1 different lu lulof Irr tip UPS fur illi ill i at price irice I rice trading pany 7 r acle C but a few are here presented but these I 1 will suffice to give an idea of the beauty of the tile garments the utility of the tile patterns will not J be necessary to mention every intelligent 1 1 housewife knows that it before f f these ni w IDEA PATTERNS pai ri we keep beep 1 I in in a very large kirge variety at the tile small sum of 10 cents each we give you the fashion sheets sa 4 4 9 gratis bratis the tile counter books which are very k elaborate we sell 1 I for the nominal sum of 10 cents nothing like it before in this valley come cime and ex examine amine them and have your pick f EMERY mercantile CO I 1 frh THEL M M N arm A rm RACOON NICHOLS EGAN proprietors t f AND lit 14 ST LINE 01 old whiskies bi brandies andies alcohol and jaci IN IY special attention give given to the gillon an I 1 five galon tri tole on which we make 1 i rity rices como ia netilee ne tilte e which tire to bs rig ao 10 lt TH THE 14 L OASIS SALOON if MILLBURN hop rictor FINEST LINE OF 01 good whiskies liquors beers and kigais in castle aal vailey ley JUG JUC AND BOTTLE A I 1 pool tables and all appointments of a first class ho house ause everybody E made welcome THE HOTEL LARKE HOLLADAY proprietors PRICE UTAH 0 0 0 0 0 THE BEST IN EASTERN UTAH filtered water stages staged north anif and South livery in connection ta to depot sample room for commercial travelers liberal rates to parties and regular boarders nine out of ten traveling salesmen visiting price stop at hotel clarke clarl SM ifrah wiliaim wiLiA I 1 IA I A LOS 0 OM N GENERAL blacksmithing 1 1 I 1 i rind gon worl work HORSE SHOEING 1 SPECIALTY ALL WORK guaranteed abaft PRICK UTAH |