Show AROUND THE TOWN at t N le IA WOUT of nay he is in recruit r e caa 1 t of a communication front a new 10 y tork 1 ei in dacate nelch bich lim if he can f burnish it two molA rOtO lots at of kit W lt it one no lot tat of SW tone tons a 1 nether of I 1 W ton tons to too W aint nt to ti dormany lor many thi this mandit ate offer offers 19 1 per ton m for or it and mr ur ie bleur Is 1 figuring 1 upon ec ac hepting 1 the fitrer if f he lie does h lie will put in a team ho pt at his hi mine the carlle castle peak and 1 begin hogin work tte ile amys ta can arnish three ahr times much tho besson resson re utomi why this property wae was not t old sold an corn some time ago 0 o lii in that the ih failed to produce his hi usa jy artel upon impure baking pow wit leow erx injure the lomack use tha iw pure brand perfect and have bave DO too indig indignation the purity of the uh HA U h ax powder tamed I 1 perri tt ie Is it abrante atee allow sallow 11 tansel by alon fin injustice in joti ceto to health heal lland anti pocketbook rocket bonk should try the perfect baking powder one once used always used 43 eneri superintendent 11 elby of the to brande Iran ilc western has announced meet ilie the mechanical department would tart at once on con the construction ol 01 an FO loo pound capa capacity eity coal car this big car Is 1 T i ba put ul up rit entirely at the bait halt lake shop and Is dt signed as a dim pie car it ir it I 1 roes rot re a so cess many mo more re hlll A ill be built at the local beope fill the a ar r 1 to be r nake ia bohe in construe cune truc lion abeel tee flocks and every mod tried e ern rn appliance it in designed for the coal traffie lie the m ctet at important part of the road 1 a ra r nin M and aill w be a grei ampro ement emont ner the present cars of WOW pound munds and 40 00 pounds carcity caa ca larley city nelch are no used 1 in the truffle hon lion he ilef ir r vennion of salt all lake I ake county and lion alardin Il ennion of 0 V ernal to a large au all hence in u grin I 1 county lat last week their ad it rest were well ell nna w awak ak ened the people to the importance t f the tle aller josue sue irand grand county two to years ago wan was practically unanimous for far atrian and aliver and the he efforts of onie some her here to keep silver 1 thip year in II tte e background are not meeting ith the hop 4 for or success ibe k aleo also at helper and ana Ul wellington ellington laet last ek eek and had largely attended meetings at both place places the meeting ne eting at helper wae was aico als addressed by lion H K A kins aing who nent at to almery county lat last weela I 1 to the interest Inte reet of the democrat democrats 31 I 1 D IN AJ Is closing ont oat her millinea milliner milli stock at J 15 perec tit ilis count and antl will still 11 bj Noi ulli J ih view are inao bargains 1 in lit tile lie the largest shipment ment of cattle eo so far this season arc rn I 1 tah tali ie in the one rit nt 49 40 cars care to kansas hansas city by jame james chip achl man an says the bait lake I ike tribune the greater portion of 0 the lock stock came from sanpete and better beler cun countie ties anil and wae was il I 1 dipped from blante over the sanpete P valley nalley road and cel from there to kanea fit cie la ia the he union pacific seine care were added at nep nephi I 1 I 1 and cars american Ainer fran I 1 ork one train it tf as soled alli rara cars went ent up a few days ago und and another anither train wan was ang 1 to dd d d NN ednee In esdar day the it artna ains are to bo be gien given run runs to the the rational national I 1 ile lie block tilt ill eloon ua a valuable addition to if its in the utah N e ool rower a n an organization represent ling in oer head of sheep says the r acner er kinec it IK to tho largest boily body of its 11 kind in the united states and tte ite recent bount resolution of tit tte tr national live stok aBO clatton re its U heartiest heart support and wa was instruments in ax the r hip ship tte T monthly circulation tatem nt it of the comptroller of 0 die the currency chows that the total amount of S na sa lonal bank note notes in circulation on oct 11 31 was wa beai an lacre increate In creAce aft for the month of II 11 t IN til and arid an for the aar r of at 3 the circulation based en eve t ailed bonds amounted mounted ft to an In inkelas celas for I 1 the he tev m I 1 it of ot 3 6 96 39 and an antea im In Tea rease for th tb year of 1611 4 4 the circulation secured by lay la ful to money ua 23 bw a de create for the month of 0 MOW 90 Xi and an increase for the year of 1 0 the amount of I 1 cited state states regis 1 bond on deposit to secure eure cifu int tat m ads a aff 40 and nd a posture pure pablo of ahw amo moona rits W 34 1 SV if Is ki 1 the nw new 3 per cwt jes lon or sam |