Show NORTHWEST NOTES th the national live 1 stock will hold a convention in to denver jannary january 1 Cli charlr M Ate of pueblo aud suit llobet 1 T awson ot of cheyenne Clie yenne wyo have been appointed mall ca elarka r k T the he union now nor own 1914 1834 milert of road of which it open tea all but mile miles chira to I 1 leai by the southern pacific A special courier frum from nyo yc county nevada tho the beetle of the rece nl indian care rep report that all danger of in an up p of the Sho diones otie la to pat rest fifty mounted tire till still oa on duty and it la is believed that these men cau can quell any that nay achie but host hostility ilith a an aro highly I 1 io probable mrs clarn clara klue fluge ot of san iran I cisco who claims to tuhan have ben the contract wife ife of tive late adolph sutro hascom fenced a legal tight light for file somo ot of the tile sutro million by fillner an application for letters of over her lite tv a r auf le us 1 ii flit lite lii up adolph newton neton betru anil adolphine Adolph lne Cli arlotto sutro dr florett a icIl eu known re teri narlan of bonfer and IL deard cook at the clubhouse of the standard shooting club at llovet lt lake ten mile outa it leuver denver evere ere drowned while fishing in the lake one ly day last week the cause a of f the accident t I 1 li unknown the drat knowledge of WM loir tug the discovery of their overturned boat by other fishermen Mc mcara sirs reefe crin contrad trag ton tors of the work of building the tile public library foundation foundations at clenne Cb enne nyo yo have been granted an enlarge rn ru large luent of their con contract grael on account of extra work required to it mattes encountered by murkley bround ground the original contract VB as for under the enlarged enlarge it contract they will rewire upward upwards of 91 fm jeso jesse cornay of Mile wyo la in under charged with poisoning hec her husband conway ly 11 ill in suffering mf ferin from an attack of malaria and illel the physIc physician lan waa was not that the na the cause of dealt death and asked for aa an anve by a coroner coroners jury decided that conway had been pl arned kaa and the woman was immediately ly placed antler arreba george crawfurd crawford of denver ha has left for N isea ew I 1 orl orle to conclude the tile eale of 1 cere acres of rich mineral land laud on houth mountain county to an english leato for thia this property includes mines at lt sum stville It ville formerly owned by senator bowen I 1 owen which have produced 81 1000 ingold in gold A railroad will bo built to the mr crawfo crawfod Craw foil d ill 1 aleo also just cloe clos log ag a sale ua of mine mines it the twin lake likes near leadville for SOO A large number of transactions have been made lu in sheep during the past week carbon arbon county liyo yo sheep men man canon camon can on A miller old sold and delav ered head lied of tw o reaid wether at t 93 3 SO 50 a head II 11 brackenbury hipped shipped 1000 head ot of heep sheep to the dea den ver market markeL I 1 C M I 1 twenty two cars of feeders from rock creek to bin his feeding pen pens la in net Nel nebraska shipper shippers are experiencing di difficulty faculty la in getting care for block stock shipments the aai awi of the report made to the comptroller of the currency indicating the condition of the eleven national banka banks in wyoming oa as ot of date september Septen lher shown an increase la in total a as compared with july from f mm to 4 41 1 if ll oft loans and laud discount 3 haw have increased increase 4 ann amt lint due fin approved reserve agent agents I 1 increased and individual d nearly the ers reserve ha has increased from 35 25 95 to 34 53 52 per cent in the recent failure of the trade trades mena mens national Nat lonal bank of new I 1 ork city the rock springs iyo jo national bank wa was interested to the ot of 7 6 having that amount on do posit at the time of 0 the collapse e of the eastern bank the amount involved la lit more than thin two thirds 0 the capital of the rock springs barkle and is a severe blow to that young financial in atit ution the stockholders stock hollers len will make good any impairment ot of the capital block stock of the bank the indiana unlawfully fOy killing game in wyoming were able to elude the deputies deput iea and reach their reservation had the deputies reached their camp before they left it lt there would undoubtedly have bave been a g gat geat eat many killed as the indians bad three as a a blind in the open and ten tto more bild lild i in n thick c timber in r near by it la estimated that thie this bani of indian indians about bucka bucks killed over soo 00 head of cow elk in the three week weeks 11 they made their camp on fio alb b creek state land agent moore ot elens 11 mont Is I 1 in irk receipt of an important ruling by Be creary biles bliss relating lat to an application made seve everl 1 month months ago bv abo elate land lana department to relinquish certain lauda lauds la in bitter boot root valley taking other la in ica the biste to penal permit t the state arid AM land laud commission to t reclaim land 40 chuga chu gd under bervar of the tho cary act ack tha ad bad been ON aw rotary of the could sot not be peivi MW i tary now holds bows war var 41 antea laoda lauds aaa an be |