Show A duck muck hunters stor story Y speaking of duck shooting on st SL clair flats sighed an old citizen as ho he took a seal sent in a gun store a 3 esterday 4 dont think there are as many birds tip there as there were fifteen cars ago why sir air tenor ten or 3 0 the chann channels elj used to be lie just black with cm em v nd they were so tamo tame that you could knock em on the head everybody sighed to think those good old da das a and ducks conid could never return and the leteran hunter con tined tine d 1 reme remember mb r I 1 was out one day in april I 1 gut in among the bipeds and how many matly do aou a suppose I 1 counted three hundred ventured one of the audience after a long lon al three hundred why I 1 always killed over a thousand every time 1 went outi no sir I 1 counted 0 cr er sixteen thousand great big fat plump delicious duels and then I 1 had only counted these on one orle side of the beati itow long did it take jou ou 1 ta I dont know sir air I 1 had no watch A with inc time is nothing to a man mail coun counting ducks I 1 counted aloud t and when the were small I 1 counted two for one by sal anil by I 1 got tired of counting and got ready for the tile slaughter how illow many did you you kill well now I 1 suppose I 1 could lie about it and say I 1 killed nine or ten tell hundred but im getting to near the agnue for that noi kill a blasted one and where the strange part of the story comes in lit when I 1 bzan r to lift that gun up tip those ducke ducks know 1 ath I h it I 1 was up tip to just as L well as a laumin lichia and what did thea the do ma bir about two litin dred of cm em in mule tile a sudden dho swam swain under the IN licit it mid raised up tit on hiir port sido side ut tit once and upset herl yes air alic did and there I 1 was in bi the north ch innel in lit lei f fojt jt of water night coming on aud and I 1 it in my wet clothes well well I 1 climbed up on tho the bottom of tho the boat floated five miles and was picked up by two indians we towed the upset boat to an island and here another curious thing comes in under the boat were two hundred and sixta sixt four large plump ducks they had been caught to there when she upset and all we had to do was to haul cm em out and rap I 1 cm on the head why why they dive down and get from under the boat asked an amaguer duck hunte why they bir sir why thea the well sir air I 1 might have asked I 1 em ent why they but it was late a cold wind had sprung up and I 1 feel like tal kingl all I 1 know is that I 1 counted over sixteen thousand ducks was upset captured two hundred and and aud have affidavits here in wallet to prove everything 0 I 1 have stated docs does any man here u ant to see the documents no man did thea the all looked out of the windows and wondered if thoy they could lie that way when they had passed three score years A good 0 oil woman is better than the best of men raen A mean woman is in finites finite lj meaner than a mean man A niclous and woman can think of meaner things than tit the most depraved man ever dreamed of PIEBE COUZENS s ought to have been born bom different she has got all the meanness oi it mean woman and all the stubbornness of a mean man it is not astonishing that in the ti tio committee eo of tit tho q Vo mens board of u tl the te I 1 aar ar 0 am ho 11 let I all iiii 1 1 I ici is i s 9 POTTER being pies president ident of the hoard of the woi boil I 1 Is o 0 fair all ach be coines ex 1 president of the butchen but when that 1 preceded to ebelt a secret ry try limul COLEN COLE 0 nt itt once MILO took the ground that as she was see rotary of 0 the board she was also ex officio secretary of the executive committee and when voted down she refu refused seil to accept the verdict of the committee and persisted in maintaining her position we presume that when nhen yesterday morning the proceedings d were read in the homes in st SL louis where COUZENS 11 ihas CS there were a thousand ladies who said I hats just like hr we could have predicted in lit advance that when she was given a little office she would try to boss the whole thing or smash it it us the easiest way way to dispose of her would be to ask for her resignation as seer etarl of the board bitin the ten I 1 at of the minim mining interests in utah is nowhere more notable than that in the united states land office for some weeks past that office has been snowed under with work pertaining to tile mineral department nearly the whole forte 0 of f t the it e 0 MCC has been busy trin trying 1 to keep track of new now mining districts being organized applications for patents and the issue of final papers old claims that hac lime been on oil file flie in the mineral case for 3 ears cars are being resurrected and pushed to final entry old min ing districts that long since were forgotten arc are coming 0 to life and mail new ones especially in hie the deep creek creck country are being organized nephi ensign A distinguished judge 0 ouie ome ail ad dressed the prisoner as follows prisoner at the tile bar har 3 jour our councel thinks aou on bikk Inno cut vent tho ati councel foi fol tho the prosecution thinks on oti innocent I 1 think oil oi inn innocent oceiL hut but it jury of in lit the exer ciu ci u of o 0 as the tha possess n MIMI does foes not seem to be much inn e found you gul guilty ltv anil and it reni remains that I 1 should P pias m upon aon the sentence tence of the tile law alint a le kept in imprisonment for ono one day and ae as that one day was may go about bour a I 1 hust liu sesa n cas dry goods chronicle |