Show POOR JOAN DONE FOR the heroian of or france join J the other idol idols of Ito mance and now they eay say that instead of being a ho joau joan of arc are belongs to that peculiar claes class known at tho the present time as cranks that the voice ebo she heird he ird in tho the woods of Doc aromy were the hallucinations of 0 a disordered intellect Intall oct liar visit to governor Go vornor Boud rIcourt so annoyed him that ho he passed her on to tho court of the dauphin for the mero purpose of gelling getting rid of her in turn tho dauphin dressed bor bar up in armor for the amusement of tho thu court tho the iconoclasts oven even go so fur far as to assort assert that tho the consecrated sword which was found per joans direction burled ad in tho the church of st catharino catharine at Flor bole bols and which was presented to her tier by the dauphin had been planted there by hands of ordinary flesh and blood they further assert that sus ab did not lead the army to the relief of orleans but merely went along like a they scoff at the story that the sold lori who tied this abused lady to a stake in tho the marifel place at rouen were struck dead so the indications uro are that tho the great french heroine will havo have to 16 zot et down off of her pedestal and follow william tell curtius Curt lus ot at al ooval history is rapidly losing its brightest stare stars through tho the irreverent investigations of the modern it now looks like it was a more matter of tima time until american history la is attacked in the same way and these individuals will bo be prepared to provo prove that patrick 1113 nry never mado made a speech that no cherries grow at tho the washington homestead and that tho the john smith pocahontas story was duo to tho the fertile imagination of some special correspondent sentinel Senti noL |