Show LOCAL NEWS DAT joun jones of Cast legato woke a aiace visitor sunday olson bil him family in eli eph r week un mrs mary abaer returned from 11 1 V junction annd quit lik paul houton will own oon have 1 his house completed and DJ ready for or occupancy mr fitzgerald left lat last week for tot emery abere she bo will aut her aruther mr davin alit a it lout louls wool woo layer laj rr 11 tOC NO worth of irice wool this werk week lion firm 0 U Kliu bilL jot jul n X ll 11 lloyd bya aa an 11 scofield were matar mist mt visitors ibis reek J P lund of Castl castrodale odale came ap up tut lost week to meet bid wife A ho had been visiting relatives at t spring city president liron an ml I 1 counselors Coun wion hard and seely 1 tilted visited prior price paring olen cleo helper end Cast legate baford div and sunday peter of baliti W in TI a itle fit rl he b te Is doing a allf factory baxi in the thrifty town W fred calmer camp la in from suit salt lake on bowly ani an yesterday yet yest rray erlay norn 2 1 19 by stage 1 for the gilsoul gib te tribue arh be Is I 1 employed a engineer engl J II 11 reader ed 4 samuela and nl J a uti date of vernal venial are re in noe with woal clip dip mr reader sold lis lt flip olp on rallay far 13 3 3 cents per pound A railroad survey perly party te 14 at work loog along the firer north of 0 moab dunikins run ikinS 1 a line toward the la lit pl FJ moon taint Is id Is not known what company they represent jn C amrit u win era eva beely of mt plant bant were united in marriage in rriE last week at the of west W baly at tl tle above ilsek lac min a 8 wy lely formerly ml tell led at cast ledal R 0 craig a philadelphia wool buy er r won dick connera Cot nera saddle which WM sent off by fitzgerald co mr wr craig won a item the aa idle and bi idle barar having pert cost mr bottler over oter W W jnnny bewell sowell ve oleen olsen awl carl OUi roame in from PV P V june junction tiou lut last week where they bad been ob bearing and wool the parly returned to homes in CastI cdale rilday morn log deputy clerk U L 0 afi all lowd a lege license lat last we areek treek olt to heber ward of and mies vio via riley of 0 huntington the couple wen were in marriage by shop lamph ol 01 te mt pomani pyramid the I 1 it I 1 year oid buy of rne rile frandeen frandsen Is I 1 very ill with a seri erica evia or cre ot of hold fever Us 11 baa been at ole vergo of death for nearly dearly two wake but at last reports waa a kw improved roved johicy Mc luttre who 1 is by otterlo wo grande railway at received lad last week fruta insist falin fal lingon on a pick or dr rich aided him 1 and at a last account accounts be he ww WM acoca nio nto ly t V i ir v W of li Is visiting price friends this weck county wk bb aud mud state were price 1 I 1 ion lut last week J G 0 wedding dao iffat lb ill iowa town ball hall lit let evening A koal crowd WM was la 18 it was the tb irta event of the season A of 0 day cople pl opia droop rip lo 10 r with tile katee irpa lr enter bat wr the ho ball failing to laa ica ml ill s wingate anti nit 1104 11 tf addle add page of I 1 sli ill s hertrude Ur trod tt so air mins hybil 8 ely bercu It and nil lem seely of who hire have iwen been at tenille tenil ending ln the U B Y carlemy cai lemy enty at prokp through illic ut oat week ro en root tout he hoine word reached price on Us larday to the t infect bat that a band ill 10 bersee belonging f j J U M and U G 0 were being driven oath south woodad Wood WoO dalde ld ly by a big boug of robbers IloU ien roosters the matter wu was and found to be a anard card park ay iy becort J weeter cam up train arice AL oday to pat put la in a week arcu balkit 9 after file ht business here abo gentleman bad 1 just returned return od from a trip into the he country its II 11 declaim that within two year years after the uintah bu hall bitu lopetto wj 00 people will have settled within it its border 0 T of the llull ady col met company oom pany returned reta from lile his property und and atel stated that be found the camp barricaded and a small tiny of 01 men with ami arms holding pom too on leaving the camp in company with hie his father a hot shot wa was tadeu ken t the departing superintendent by ant of the fortified camp the b ballet log between the tw cwi gentle tuen ai As no farther further alioti were fired the gentlemen cent lemen their journey ceward oa lt feet dr richman wa was bf br tm railroad to meet jw xo U V aad attend a wound wounded man aboard allred bail had also lao been to gaeel the train and put pr ti if noaa 4 arrest who had bieti fighting flatt ting no orto merj olle were wade made by the sheriff at 04 3 off the train or dr lUchi pia boarded tui train and at hripp drosa 1 the tb ft att t an italian abc imad awen wa bialy boat about the ak W besa aed awl fac with a kniat it was amed that two Ital laus who hid had asmis 1 ap up on 1 suddenly beglis each mothr with kruvka shortly after 1 SPI sprine latu the man we were bickly separated and od one ono of 0 the belligerents was found to have an a galib on an bia his bead and one on bli isia lose ih were not dot considered |