Show stall stan PLAYERS AYERS rL PROPOSED THEATER FOR THEM IN THE PARIS exposition tb the amato and tw ace kw tork Iller haftle 11 III ur the slow 01 7 Is i lt lb ll 11 to no tl 0 typical aan aurrin rie a theater Ar ba ban been bulado for trace ia in the the be pails ex ti petition position of 1900 in to erect a american theater and root roof gar dm duy to le be railed called tir the american theater abill nil to be ao 10 given over to Attic american vaudeville burlesque drama drawn and opera per atara of the first rank rauk it it intended to make junto it ig in every cue reuse a typical american theater in up ap methods and performers and it ie is to be kept open for far the be entire tenn terni of the from AI at ill III till november the projector cf of thin unique and elm elaborate borato scheme are three new now I 1 ark or c till 11 who bavo notified the gay cluis at 11 i through their ilow in washington bat that they have a too foud fund cf ef tao jio each ch to carry abe plan plan through the main walla projector of the Is 1 mr air stein one ong of the agris of the harlem opera hos o in deiv iota ork depre abill nass the estate cittato ct et abu lu 1 ta r hohti ovum alls the harlem opera bloom and several litre large office L bildings la in the anine city the estate u 1 2 and two new I 1 ork ark one a babker and ud the ath other othor a diamani ime whose values I 1 coald not learn have alin 1 sub ab a like gum cwb making in ull all the of tl NO me gentlemen tit air george A blumenthal oue one of the as of the hatlett opera blouw has filed with the state depart ment au an for space setting forth the full plain plans of the he ile is i now iu in tu to pre prescot the detail tf to in charre of exposition affail aud and III i the new york congressional delegation aud and other iu in fluent ial men in the mr air blumenthal Blum euthal baa las told me ii etral i ral cen sea thinea iu in that for aam weeks air sir lichtenstein aud and lie have hav been completing the alual plans for a theater in the gr ouilda to be built of itell 75 feet trout and feet deep to beat wak according to the architect plans 2 DO persons with a roof garden of inget elaborate v b lia a capacity that will mccomm ie te a 2 eople leople l there aro are to bo be foar tiers of proscenium alum boxes four our boxes IQ in each tl r OL oi each ilde side cf of tue go g making 82 la in all seat tug eight u per bons abe total coat of the building boil diug it ii Is estimated mill vill be the entire building will bo be kept open poi en day days in the week from 9 if ID tho warning artil 12 at night and three will bo to given each day in the iti orving from train 10 to bait bell past it 12 thero will I 1 be a vaudeville per fori mance by american performers of ibe first rauk in tho and even lag ings operas dramas comedies and bur bar cecio will be presented jf if an opera giten in the afternoon in abe evening T there will be a dramn or a corn cow 1117 cr or vice versa term this plan it ii Is thought will bo be to the he advantage of ev concerned ai its it atwil will gj bruble ble jbf tb sightseers to a e greater variety of and a greater number of our actor actors in a hall period while it will also give the actor opportunity to enjoy the sights of the exi coition daring during their engagement at sit tha tbs theater lacu lach altar end company that playa plays at as the beater will ba re buird to give from bree 40 0 o awe five peri formantes for mances a week in bocare cape ingre ebeo five live in selecting elect lna the actor actors who are to appear at the exposition theater it ii is the inter intention tion of the management to engage only taboo who have havo achieved national lame tame and who are regarded here as thor r american americans no bate arm with air richard mansfield ai as the fore molt most exponent of the american dramatic dra matio actor actors with mr anat at goodvin as an the representative comedian and with lisi mist lillian as the leading cornio comic op pra ra prima donna jo no he lection baa ban yet yes limm madi for oy tao to roles but pa this car i of entertainment is to be one oula of at the features of the series of perform ancer and the very bett actors and ac teebee obtainable will be abo production productions as well as the play plays and tb I 1 eriq and the actor actors will bg a ancey tudelle projector of the keeme have already made ar at runge ments with seven american cog cumers and scenic artists to provide the necessary Dece esary appurtenances mr air paul has already been to conduct the a operas ran and bur ledanc baque that will be tte pre r star bande bands niber pox ohm chec e official and ersIn io fact everybody employ ed la in or about the theater will be Ameri americana caus either by birth or adoption and even the nee nea boaters and ticket tickets will lb 16 printed by americans hlo istel E f na laga VW will 14 a ik vacy iko gy 4 iligo 1121 in abo lobby 0 bo teeter tb eter aher french will be chati gott free of charge into A mi vr L id s is ne only kind of currency that will I 1 bo accepted in int tut for ticket tickets 0 on a aho VM promenade couce rw III be 9 riven a BUCK aud OV a a jug by o 0 4 ara att band DL and d the projectors project ore hare baret troug s bopf ol 01 6 securing 1 it job bobil rhilip sou shouni as a ductor kew new york herald |