Show IT Is time for kin kin william to and explain for or u Itus paper ay says 14 that a political ocllo boot soot to siberia 41 bas anora noro money actor food more IX comfortable clothe clothes and lodgings and a it bettor better time in a cry respect than a soldier in tho the german army ir yov tally inny never know choro all the ka plug go but you can tell where moat most kry of tho the spools of the world como coma from maine and new hampshire mako make thorn tham and when it comes to corncob pipes missouri comes pretty near 6 supplying the world with them thom ha has an in como of a day lie Is to no doubt doubts satis wiled led with the present betom system but B ua ff rt a somebody omo body should a ro form that would cut off any of ibo the amount ho he would no doubt bo be wll wil line ling to spend ton thousand or so to pronne it MANT MANY W woman mon aro employed in tho tea ton trado trade ahoy 60 aro experts in the business ns judges of tho the quality of teas and thoy they also do all of tho the packing wad weighing for tho the different tea companies it wag was formerly tho the rule 1 1 that women woman had haa little to do with tea cx oxcart apt the drinking of it IN a general way it may bo be eald said that nearly half of arkansas ie is an dova ol ted country and tho la 13 of tho the lino line of tl bille hills and mountains ie Is vory very nearly 4 described by tho the line of the iron mountain road which enters tho the state at its ita northeastern corny and leave leaves it at texarkana Tox Tex arkana some distance dista noo north of the southern boundary PUBLIC opinion is moving pretty rapidly these times and tho the man who does not keep up with it gets got loft and no man is so desolate doa and lone some aj the ono one who has stood still and permitted the march of events to 1 go by him the man who reads the 1 1 paper papers can hardly fall to havo have an 0 opinion on tho the main questions of tho the day rye COOKE who ought to know i advisee young garbi oven those a literary talent to place no dependence on liter literature atura as a broad winner tho the life she says Is full of mortification anxiety and digap ahls too I 1 a little too sweeping perhaps but the faces of female pen workers do deot 4 ii in many day ta stances to loso lose their briget brightness nes a atan all 1 early period of their literary lives TOLSTOI turns over a great question to tho the scientists he lie says science So lonco must answer the question lu what Is the reason that borno sorno people ure deprived of land and me mone meus us of production while wh llo others possess them or what causes the alienation of jf land and moans means of production from those who cultivate the land and use the instruments in tills this country euch such questions eions aro am io bo be olvid by thet thel people 1 IP tho the homo Is s tae of the state and rr iagal Is thol the fouad of tho the home hor aetHen aten there should bo bul ono one law uniform and just throughout all ail pico the states and territories of the union regulation regu latin marriage laws 16 1 which prevent ovil ovit aro are always to bo be which simply punish tho the evil door il it marriage aws more stringent there would bo be fewer divorce caws casos new york mail and express A or course every american Ameri caa Is interested in a nay say la in every state in a the 4 union it seems impossible thai that any f ono one can without blushing confess that there Is a state in la a country of which ho he is ignorant as to its history dim climate productions and resources and yet bow how many people know even rao in near or adlo adjoining inin states that arkansas has ora navigable water within her borders than any other in the union ane french chamber of deput deputies let proposes to put a tax on oa bachelor prussian landtau Is to engaged antho in the discussion of A project for tho the U P ass assessment asae of the income I 1 tax proportionately to the size of tho the frilly at first arst gl glinco anco such proposals might bo be thou thought ht to betoken on the part of the european powers a most virtuous and zeal for the conser 0 mhd family in truth it Is but an outcome of tho rampant militarism prevailing in those lands landl reduced to the lut analysis what a picture this pre presents sects vo to us of elvi civilization liza in the deepening fast twilight of the nineteenth century the govern menta of europe encouraging the propagation pa pas gation ratton ot of the human in order toke loump up the food supply for herr krupps groll gum |