Show pt 4 M r T 4 h company Y tit asphaltum and varnish cot coeway vaa 1 as org organized organised liui sed III athis tills eila aa 3 0 tort with n ca of in III hareson alares of 10 each and fill tho tile papers filed with tile county clerk Is ie Is an all organ iii tion which s lino ajae been biking oi king to efrece for a lie bitne and it aroln facts to becot 0 of lunch importance tile na allied mcd nrc are john beck president hainas A 4 valley walley president aloida a do treasurer find an 11 sunar secretary alad these ath tit waller walter J form the board 0 ar I 1 f directors tho the block stock halt b of L n s subscribed for in lit ns its follows fo folly foll r ws s lit I 1 I 1 SIAM A ballta 2501 aydin tj ti in BECK BECIC B J I 1 iain ia 0 w it VA Ikei ilLS these there aro are quito quite 11 number of persons iu in atall alli fisc else cicro who art in lit the coin pan and will take taho blocks of stock A tribune reporter learned from fron beek and tic fit uch regard tug ing tile property belonging to ta tilt and of their intentions benr ashley uintah county bount there 1 19 a still of at country chero for a dia dis tanto of thirteen illies it id ili one wt bod of asphaltum und and formations company holds tile claims Lit tills of loc ix irions under tho tilt placer law to tho tile extent of about six thona and herert in ili chilli there are fd ed quantities of asphalt bild bituminous oils oil residues etc aslies of sonic some of theao deposits ha ila c went III up as a AS its a siev tv per cent aspdal turn while other anre rich in ili arious oils 01 Us it is it proposed to erect works there for tile reduction of tile a e I 1 nu I 1 I 1 tr serials rials and till for their into pure detraction of various arious oils lue etc ete some ork lias ints been done on oil the tile c cl dins as sinking 0 shifts and driving tunnels two inhoof of the tunnels were started star teI oliero hen tho the niata ina terla mia quite rich and hall not progressed far ui ut til III almost pure itin end still oils be gan gall to flow from the fill fall of the anft d ift one object of tho tile ill 10 lo lie to introduce intro duco portions por tins of the in eteri il for street p aing gr samples sent to cili call fornia heated indich interest aifong among scientists end ond ping a contractors time thele and Pv fesser broun of sin san ir til ciso inalle iti wl 11 went rent to cliot Y th tit it several useful oils can call iw IM from it ll sineo since lands 1 are arp clout miles front it railroad mil roid the tilt question of transportation enters largely into the aluc of tilt ty and lind thi 4 is tile reason ha ar nish works will be there them iut nit since two tuo routt route for railroads lm line e been stir ea ell and staked out through ill roil 0 it their I 1 uil alie thel hope vre 1 i 1 nig ang t to ahne better racil ties mr will go gro to the lands in ill n fow few ds da s to rt fit nt it t work mark on oil their prop 1 t P |