Show pit and lie the pendulum A prisoner waiting to be hacked by times scythe ONE AlI OF LIFE lim LEFT LEM thousands whose situations arc scarcely less terrible may easily and aid readily find help A lain iles flat cm on his back bound so 0 o th thit tt he cannot mor move an inch ui lla la to in s dungeon at fint first lark dark as a wells well bui la in a few minutes a light in the th c iliad far ap a mechanical flav a of 0 timi with his amythe the figure la Is slowly the eclythe and tin the prisoner realign that nulela ome some on eap exp expected acted belp should corn com he will be slowly cut to i fecto what followed la is tal till I 1 by E igar allen pe ism la in the fantastic anta otic story ory calle i 1 the rho pit anti tha pondu lam latu the mia man awaiting the approach of a dreadful death is I 1 a typo of a largo clau clan of unfortunate who en tingled in the strangling culla coils of an us 11 all h boffl ie of 0 freedora freedom this tuo nater ie is mori hine perhaps ha the victim lj ij yet reveling in that glorious gIorl beato of 0 ex fullow athe the birot use ol 01 ild if it to I 1 a 3 ila acsa N la in tory story be bu has not noticed the light in 16 ceiling and la is una unaware waro of ilia his danger claybe the lh disease bua bus so far that the sufferer notice a weakness ol 01 be the heart a action that the general j la feeble the body poorly nourished doable double this ia is kon followed follow wl by a 8 peculiar twitching of the muad 9 a numbness of the banda bands and feet and anti the tb n utter tier collake col laie lale of the nervous system the victim now becomes restless reat leel and an nn eay eavy A feetie of aeme beitf bim him tuis this mentel mental depression increases in creme as one ano couras of treatment reat ment after another fails utterly the future Is dark and filled with gloom days of wretched ness follow sights nights of at horror la in endler ion uia ilia utter 11 to ltd ild himself of the incubus adds to hr lus misery the terrible t flecta of the dea leally ily drug become more and more apparent deep erand cr and deeper ha he alok sinks into abo mire ol 01 despair deo pair until all hope of ever being any thing but a alaid in bondage is i abandon 0 remorse and apprehension take of bis his mind and the tem tempha pta lion to nabia bs miserable existence be comes comei overpowering dat but there are few situations completa ly hopeless hope leaa poe poes prisoner was yoe rescued when the swinging ethe was cloae close to bia his breast and the victim victims at 0 the mor phine habit babit and their shattered nerves are restored ree to the of life by a system of 0 treatment which baa has been perfected by A dunn U JD D 41 east street new york city and which bu has yet to record ita its fint drat failure it Is not a I 1 tapering off or substitution process it ii is as harmless aa as it ia is pain ices it does away with all desire to fo the drog drug and quickly re ree toree the abut shot ferrous system to iti its normal cou too it treats the condition pa a die ease and not a n habit it ia is scientific and for fall full particulars ad dresa dress aa as above to for care 1 TAWS Tike Cos CUrgle cand interval Ift 10 erVAL if U Q C Q kit fail to vu cw dru cauto dvar EMERY COUNTY mercantile E COMPANY e anal DEALERS ERS IN GENERAL P merchandise PRICE UTAH reva Rev WM me slaughter jf WEST VIRGINIA writes writ if the th benefit received from or dr M 1 ll 11 toft lve nervi r MILES restorative he bylue 1 te Is atton particularly adap d to the reitor aloa of health broken down by bud mental menial work vcr W U of new haven W I 1 a writes rite 1 I suffered with extreme U eino di dull and ad ner net TOU vm headaches and sleeplessness my beut heart cm came to Ing me I 1 was hon short of breath from the least exertion elert lon and suffered much 1117 palo in ray left side ld D dr T medicine and chyi 6 clan cincar fare me 0 no r let I 1 proon red dr N arvini r v i n fo herrins herr loe now aflean pastores pe stores to cure and dserve md and ith baver pills and I 1 am a ire no word words of commend wen miam as to the malu cm can be too strong I 1 leep steep the dinkines di nines tad and confused coa fared feel ini ing have disappeared ny my heart trouble troubles me no more and nd I 1 feel perfectly well eu vt dr It Kez emedies kra an old by ul druggists ast 1st under a positive guar act arat bottle benefits or money u book boob on e hears and od Ner Nerves sent free to PAI DIL UILES MILES MEDICAL 00 eluam lad ine 1 a V M i PATTERN A V a Or lelo aal perfect prices 10 and IG 15 cents cente none hibba none beger at any a price ke 1 merchant kill aum 1 la 1 emy city cuy oc cc town tk f for themer the yeats fiam u us in aba mcw york or cc cheato Cht cip stamps uin tak latest eashmon Eash lon sheet jhc 1 0 sent a of cat cent to py 7 i yi J n n i C oe of A L MAGA MAGAZINE DEWY 7 brightest ibbie cumms I 1 labb layt lubie c for or the bonime bashom of J dia lb dy home HMO re Hoyt flow bold eliou Z hint mix focy fancy work cadt topic ah only 60 cents abear in I 1 cud cudina lna a free your ym own 7 tion any send two 24 tat or sample cc copy addren 1 MW M CALL CONUi codany fANY AMr 2 vat kah new mh avenue your bowel dowels with atte case Ct erem te care ion orfa KG GO tuna cuts eastern utah advocate its readers like it its advertisers like it it pleases one it p pays ays the other an and id everybody s happy it has a circulation of ri soo in castle valley and will write it in the contract its advertising rates were made to fit these hard times YOUR advertisement inserted in a first class weekly newspaper is the most effective way of reaching a 91 given I 1 ven section THE HOME AND FARM horticulture and up to date farming methods ineth will be discussed by prominent local and foreign writers of known ability the weekly news of the valley will be as complete as is pos possible sibl e to make it we have reduced the subscription sub crip ti on rates to boo per year 0 I 1 JOB PRINTING I 1 1 in all its branches a att tended to we do printing that r is printing call on or addres addies s E ASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE t 1 PRICE RIOE U y OFFICIAL CIAL DIRECTORY CA COUNTY A of silt I 1 cg to I 1 A jimm WI W I lw ewari new ari 1 igor thain albort lly ower pric 9 clerk end and W II 11 prise rr Aico ivr W J stilwell pric price ll 11 a 0 P pro ro e A it 0 rn ya 4 J W w arf price D h t rin t O I 1 W allied i irav KUERT COUNTY 0 A wd W d argi 1 II 11 I 11 I 1 34 1 I kauri his 1 treasurer it CL miller cast ledal clerk howeiler 01 s lIl leruA rudl 14 M 0 eirys I 1 pup i 1 II 11 AU ties pro pros win llord Kunt tiff bb auriah 0 GREAT SALT LAKE ROUTE in offeit february 5 1868 1898 FOR GOING WEST no I 1 rocillo wall 11 IT I 1 r toa a so for Provo alt take ogden sod tb tk tol lia no loia L LT v a A p for provo salt lake ke olden tad od the lb ewt GOING hadt no S caloiro Cb loiro limited LT ly 1 p tor for grand junction denver and na tilt east ut allu alfi LT 1211 9 IU 41 for G ma D wj J ala ar BAN AND 11 no 6 beaves junction dally at t its a so for all folau la in bad sao role and na soviet 1 ios 0 00 0 1 Z general manager 8 U DA DOO K traffic manager i r A WAD 0 r AT A denvert RIo Grandc railroad CD coa SCENIC LINE WORLO WORLD the tb only line hirlan tiro alloe of railway rl liry between GRAND JUNCTION A tickets food good via tl ither either ila two dally I 1 last express aralas to GLENWOOD SPRING t 40 9 CREEK PUEBLO 1 o 0 ar y ind and all 4 aai cast L arl tj aisa ina A train no 2 leaves bricq at 2 11 16 IT as t pueblo Iu eblo OX am a am in I 1 colorado colondo a R m I 1 denver 10 am VM jr A 0 train no 4 leaves price at it IS IT 17 u kin grave glenwood Spirl urs I 1 am 1 pm I 1 colondo colorado springe 4 ra M p m 0 aver S S pm p m f nil at t womas Co torad springs and ad denvor with all 11 II lini lines out B 1510 rant want dr day coa chat chair care and pullman rolli BAa a aln imports l on oat talas take the IX 0 it 0 0 zest na 11 haves comfortable trip 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