Show airam 1 I 1 the thermometer at ranged the put pat week lo 10 the tbt neighborhood of 40 derwa above the nor is f atu ing lug rapidly and nd 11 all II sheep la in the tb V are re to ported to be dof doing at well the many tr arelen arelers between green item and moab Mo abill till lo 10 pleased to learn bat ibe the crossing bt at little grand wab wash Is 1 bebe bridged BIJ blis forthe for the cc a ruction ot of the bridge rul will be opened at the n s at ot at the county court art on april III 11 when the WOOL wo will be rapidly I 1 ahod to completion T P miller road ot of roa roal A district no I 1 wo was elI by tb county to proofed proceed at once with too work of a cut off road to upper coort court 11 II uee use spring this rout route will give aa the traveler good water which boi ban long been desired de elred abe wore will b be la in thirty diya days and will wil I 1 cot cost something lea than juo zoo the grand county commissioners at theer recent ithoc i ault lit c of zd cn c cf esia ella el la s zi deputy falade by assessor beark commissioner y drown Browa returned table to ht elgin home from lloid on oil thursday Tha last dy by reason of aa an aad lent pace was to attend the recent session ion of f grand county ile was wa thrown iroku I 1 roul a horn bore and ed serious injuries which necessitated his hi removal to grand junction for medical attention Mi uRena linon returned to moab last week after a alit visit with her a ater star mr mrs J T farrer of at matt of Green river in Is moab for a few day days recently assessor jetties stark waa was calling on the uz man ai elgin late last week arr US 8 returned from salt lake and la Is now domiciled lo 10 ber bar cabin on tb tho beyaert ranch at green river whre wh re the sha will perfect the be bone ve stead claim dalm there will be another meeting of tha 0 raull bounty commissioners on april i mr king Kingi moved noved his outfit to gitlis lit ie castle lavt last thursday and IU push ae he work on the riter river road to completed talor and mirk mark wallter walker of moab a have each recently purchased fine famil organs or dr williams of aib reports consid erable sickness ic knees |