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Show BEETS IN FIELD BRING $1,050. Frank Osborne, whose farm is 2'i males east of Lamar, has just disposed of a field of sugar beets .containing twenty-eight acres for the sum of $1,050, or at the rate of $37.50 an acre. The purchaser assumes all the cost of further care, harvesting and marketing, market-ing, and also pays for the seed. The only expense to Mr. Osborne has been for planting, irrigating and thinning. He will thus clear nearly $30 an acre on land which originally cost only about twice that much. In other words, one year's beet crop is taken off his hands without further risk at a price equivalent to 50 per cent of the value of the land on which they were raised. There ars no crops grown in the East that can equal this record. And it must be remembered that many beet growers will make a much greater profit this season, as the crop is excellent in all sections where water for irrigation was available early in the spring. Lamar, Colo., Sparks. |