Show priesthood MEETING the regular monthly meeting of the priesthood of the salt lake stake of zion convened in the assembly hall on saturday july 6 at I 1 11 I 1 am prayer was offered by elder joseph horne home counselor charles W penrose announced that president angus M cannon was detained at another meeting but would probably arrive later all the wards of the stake were properly represented excepting the ahe fifth eighth and twelfth wards of the city and the sugar house mountain dell draper bluff dale and brighton wards the second third fourth sixth seventh eighth ninth fifteenth sixteenth and quorums of elders failed to respond to the roll call president charles W penrose reported report jed pd that bishop james watson of the nineteenth ward had passed away since the last priesthood meeting the speaker referred to the deceased in the highest terms termo and said that his losy loss would be keenly felt by us his family immediate friends and many others he had done a good work here but had now gone behind the vail where a greater work awaited him and he will have a much wider field to operate in than he had here he has gone to mingle with his breth brethren reb of the priesthood and our loss is his infinite gain gaid brother penrose then spoke of the sin of sabbath breake breaking ing and the flagrant outrage perpetrated on the community by the keeping ulof up of shows show and sand exhibitions at a certain resort und and trying to decoy the young and unthinking from the path of rectitude and sobriety there is a law on the statute books against I 1 such performances on sunday arid aind if the off officers leers will wink at these things where they are committed and not do their duty the community should take some proper steps to see if these theae evils cannot be eradicated he urged upon the bishops to seo see that greater care and attention aro are paid to their flocks than usual esi specially ally now as the ungodly are striving with all the power they possess to lead the young astray lf 1 the teachers and lesser besser priesthood generally will perform their duty SO as they should there need not be much occasion for mention of these things in public here is a great field for toe the priesthood let every man perform his d duty y diligently all earing bearing the priesthood should be actively engaged in the work of salvation do not rebuke the wayward individually in public but admonish them in private and let t a spirit of kindness enter into all our labors when adminis ring to the people the great de fi clelleY today is the lack of carry tog 1119 the principles of the gospel to the firesides fi resides of the people where they hey should be taught to both young and old where young people have received the baptism of water but not that of the holy ghost as is apparent in many cases they should b e instructed in a spirit of love and led to seek for the light and testimony essential to the life and status of ta a saint there is a great field in which ia 1 the priests can operate it Is the duty of the lesser priesthood cuts particularly the priests to visit the ailts in their homes and adminis ter arthe the words of life every member of tile the church should receive these sits its be enquired after and be fed if ith the bread of life As regards these sunday moon light and other excursions that tend to w evil our influence should be ex ercia to deter the young from joining them but recreation and amusements in which t ere is no evil il should be provided for the oung and even if such pas battes are not particularly in yuetive if tive they will do no harm they are not associated with positive evil and are not car tied rf jan to all unreasonable extent if the we design of the lord in the organization and functions of the lesser priesthood nest hood was carried out the bis ho status afasa would know bow through them the acus of every member of the it ac Chure bili in their respective wards was especially the duty of the RS hOPs and their counselors to in ct the lesser priesthood dinall in all the ww requirements of their offices WM meetings should be held for that puran purpose at the ie bishops of the city wards called upon to report if they 14 ey knew of any violations of the Ws relating to the sabbath and few their belr res responses ro indicated that very ery day of 2 epro professing fewing to be utter latter ay sainta attended sunday edcur to the lake alder der george goddard spoke a few aford IB in behalf of the sabbath bools and suggested that amis a mis ary labor be adopted such as by balk visiting the tae children ildren fh at their homes on oil their S r ati tive ve teachers or others chri tile e aab abath ath morning and thus lide belld byall all the children that can aty 1 sunday school to be there 46 aalt where it this rule had been observed a had dati been in some of the wards 48 ahad had been as high an increase bofty tty per cent he said let the gork work go on I 1 inar president stint angus M cannon hav orne into the meeting stated he 40 tar oe was unavoidably detained had endorsed d the e remarks that he heard since coming in and as ftaras 4 aim tile oe calv canvassing ing of the wards t athla names 18 of tue the people therein there in t h w at let et his mind he e gal said further to efforts should be made have persons who had moved from one ward to another attached to the wards where they reside he also urged action upon persons who had apostatized from froin the church but whose names were still upon the records as though they were in full fellowship the meeting then adjourned until the first saturday in august at 11 am benediction by elder A W carlson |