Show STAR VALLEY this is a pretty valley lying courty miles northeast north east of montpelier from where it Is ia reached over quite a difficult road the first section of the route runs up montpelier canyon then crosses the divide and goes down crow creek canyon to this thia valley toward the head of the last named creek are salt springs from which I 1 presume this and and river biver valley got the name it was originally called by salt river biver from the salt springs the canyon widens out and there are some pleasant ranches at one of these your correspondent was entertained while the saddle he had been pounding got rested the valley is about twenty miles long and six wide and is in uintah county wyoming the long way of the valley is northwest to southeast the road enters it from the southwest about the center of the valley on the east side nicely located is the town of afton A backed up by high mountains covered with pines and watered from a 86 creek that opens into the valley from the east there at present is the only post t office in the valley but others have been applied for on the of june apostle grant president william budge counselor Osip osmond ond bishops joseph kimball and B R calder and elders hugh findley A galloway and A osmond arrived there on sunday june 30 meetings were held in afton the instructions given were timely on monday july meeting was held at grover five miles north from afton in the morning and at burlington on west side of the valley in the afternoon at grover james jensen was appointed and ordained bishop and edmund hepworth Hepwor lh aud and E M thurman his counselors at burlington william H corbridge was made bishop and joseph H holbrook and H hyde counselors the last named place is on the west side of the valley to the north end on what is known as stump creek it is a pleasant townsite opposite the binyon opening to the west the soil here appears to be rich and there is a large extent of natural meadow with an excellent stock range from burlington the party proceeded to the south end of the valley deeded e V where a ward was organized and william parsons appointed bishop with edward kirby and thomas walton counselors this last ward is on a creek called cottonwood ton wood in the south end of the valley it ison is on high ground yet it is freer from frost than the apparently more favored spots from cottonwood the party returned to fairview near the mouth of crow creek canyon J C dewey was made bishop with 0 R child eind and B H allred as his counselors 40 there are now five wards 1 in u the valley and they are a good people who seemed anxious to hear the instructions of the visiting vist ting elders I 1 am confident confide Dt that the visit of apostle grant and president budge will have a beneficial effect and stimulate the people to improve their home star valley Is an attractive place in summer surrounded as it 11 is with low wol well timbered mountains mounta ins and supplied with plenty of clear fres fresh h water some of the crops look as well as in the lower valleys and there is every chance here for the people to make good homes the lower or what is now called salt river valley is now settling up but they have no ward organization there as yet in the north end of star valley are some springs of very queer formation there are pots in the shape of cooking ovens at the top of which there is bubbling up warm or hot water charged stroD strongly gly with mineral they vary in in temperature and seem to dif differ ferin in their mineral constituents some contain alum salt petre sulphur and salt while about half a mile from here on the side of a hill is a sulphur spring where the water seems to deposit almost pure sulphur in large quantity the streams in the valley abound in beautiful fish game is plentiful in the hills bills TRAVELER |