Show TRYING TO UNITE THE five states of Central Amer- Amer r J teal lea San an Sal Sal- r Y j w 4 F- F vador and Costa Rica are noted for the q quarrelsome nature r of the elements of politics tics and pop pop- population population u embraced in in them and aad for their proneness ss to indulge in revo revo- revos revolutions s and political feuds Th That t g governmental affairs in these tes sues 1 should be in a chronic state of un- un uncertainty uncertainty un uncertainty certainty is not to be wondered at J when the character ot of the p population pula- pula Mon tion is considered ee The total inhabitants inhabitants inhabitants of the five States number J F f about and only one in one onehundred hu hundred is a full-blooded full white whiteman The whites all r ran man an are nearly 1 Spaniards and possess the traits of that race About half of the population population I lation are Indians and the reA remainder re- re remainder A are negroes and mixed I 1 I aCts aces ff The student of history would I hardly r regard such material as this the mo moSt t available for the con con- conI construction construction I J of th the more advanced and aud I audI en enlightened forms of government nor would he regard rd it as strange t that under republican institutions r such elements of population would t manifest t a proneness for strife and turmoil To hold ignorant and mixed races ee especially the colored ones under orderly control a cen cen- cenI centralized centralized centralized I form of government is gen gen- generally generally deemed requisite It pre- pre Vents Tents dt demagogues from inciting f the populace to uprisings an evil from w which ich the States of Central America continually suffer Buffer i- i 0 But it is a fact that the people of these states are making tangible e progress politically They are learn learn- learning learning learning learn ing by what they have suffered They are recognizing the evils that I have been in inflicted upon them by ambitious upstart leaders who have have ave fomented the uprising and revolutions i that have bave wrought Ap 11 ff much damage and misery and are trying to solidify their governmental fabrics in R A a manner to prevent a recurrence of such events Recently a congress of representatives representatives representatives tives of th the five fi ve Central American governments has bas been holding bolding ses ses- s sessions alone and adopting measures for or the be mutual welfare This congress h hale s been laboring to perfect and advance a scheme looking to the erection of a aJ J federation of these sovereign states somewhat after the model of the American Union It is proposed to tot t call the federation The States of f the the Republic of Central America and nd to start its governmental machi machi- machinery machinery machinery nery in September of next yea year The presidential terns terna is to be one year and will be filled by lIy the governors or presidents o of the fl five ve republics in succession The federal legislature fill consist of fifteen members threet three I t jo A 1 I i l u from each state one to be appointed by the president of the state and th the theother theother other r two to be chosen by the state legislature Each state will wUl retain its irs sovereignty modified by powers conceded to the central organization and will retain su substantially its ita pre pre- present present sent Rent form and modes of government It is not yet known that such a federation will be established but it is claimed that the predominant sentiment in all alJ the states except Costa Rica is in favor of it In the latter Jatter an anti federal ral sentiment pre pre- prevails prevails prevails vails Such a union uni would be a great move in iu the direction of pro pro- progress progress progress gress It would impart stability and anda anda anda a settled character to Central Amer Amer- American American American ican affairs would encourage en- en enterprise enterprise en enterprise and immigration and in inmany inmany inmany many ways would result benefi benefi- bene beneficently beneficently to the people of all the states Religious liberty would beyond doubt be thoroughly established as one of the results of such a union and thus would preparation be made for the religious advancement of the aboriginal portion of the population which will wUl certainly take place in ina ina ina a comparatively short time to a de- de degree degree de degree gree that will win render them an en- en enlightened enlightened en enlightened lightened civilized and liberty liberty- loving liberty loving Joving race The trend of current i events event on the American continent I is in the dir direction direction of fulfilling the purposes which the Almighty has foreshadowed in the Book of Mor Mor- Mormon Mormon Mormon mon and the revelations He has given through Joseph the Seer |